Waluyo, Yessi Aprilia (2013) DEDUCTIVE STRATEGY TO IMPROVE THE PRACTICE OF WRITING STEPS OF PROCEDURE TEXT The Case at the Seventh Graders of SMP Mardisiswa 1 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2012 / 2013. Masters thesis, Diponegoro University.
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This thesis is mainly concerned with the application of deductive strategy to improve the practice of writing steps of procedure text of the seventh graders of SMP Mardisiswa 1 Semarang. The objectives of this study were to implement deductive strategy in order to improve the practice of writing steps of procedure textand to describe how deductive strategy could improve the practice of writing steps of procedure text. The design of this study was a classroom action research. The subjects of the study were the seventh graders of SMP Mardisiswa I Semarang. The instruments which were used in this study were indicators for practices, observation sheet for practice, questionnaire, checklist, field notes, observation sheet, interviews and tests. Data collection of this study was qualitative and quantitative data. In analyzing data, the researcher checked, compared and analyzed the qualitative data, such as indicators for practices, observation sheet for practices, questionnaire, field notes, observation sheet, checklist, and interview and the quantitative data, such as the progress of scores in each category of Brown’s scoring rubrics. The results of the research showed that the application of deductive strategy could improve the practice of writing steps of procedure text for the seventh graders in SMP Mardisiswa I Semarang. In pre-cycle I, the researcher found out that the seventh graders had lack of practice. It could happen because there were only a little bit of practices in the text book, the teacher did not give additional practices in the teaching and learning activity, and it seems that the practices jumped from one competence to the other (it means there were not detail practices). In addition, there were low teacher’s role and feedback after discussing the practices. Because of the problems above, the researcher found out that the students faced the difficulties in organization of writing, content, grammar, punctuation, spelling and mechanics, and style and quality of expression (vocabulary usage). After that, the improvement of practices was given orderly from the practice of writing vocabularies, phrases, sentences, conjunctions or connectives, paragraph, and text. In cycle I, the practices were good enough because the practices were given in detail and orderly. Therefore, some seventh graders showed the good progress in writing steps. The progress was that they could arrange and develop the steps orderly and they wrote good steps by using V1 and by using the good enough vocabularies. Meanwhile, in cycle II, the practices were good because the practices were given more detail and orderly. Therefore, most of them showed the better progress in arranging and developing the steps completely and orderly and they wrote better steps by applying V1and choosing the appropriate vocabularies when they made imperative sentences. Meanwhile, the average score of the test before doing treatments was 50.50, at end of the cycle I was 55.63, and at the end of the cycle II was 72.73. Tesis ini mengenai penerapan strategi deduktif untuk meningkatkan latihan menulis steps sebuah teks prosedur bagi siswa kelas tujuh SMP Mardisiswa I Semarang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menerapkan strategi deduktif dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan latihan-latihan menulis steps dan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana strategi deduktif dapat meningkatkan latihan menulis steps sebuah teks prosedur. Penelitian ini menggunakan sebuah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas tujuh SMP Mardisiswa I Semarang. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah indikator untuk latihan, lembar observasi untuk latihan, kuesioner, field notes, lembar observasi, wawancara, dan tes. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data kualitatif and data kuantitatif. Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti mengecek, membandingkan, dan menganalisis data kualitatif seperti indikator untuk latihan, lembar observasi untuk latihan, kuesioner, field notes, lembar observasi, wawancara dan data kuantitatif seperti peningkatan nilai skor test pada tiap kategori di rubrik penilaian dari Brown. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan strategi deduktif dapat meningkatkan latihan menulis steps sebuah teks prosedur bagi siswa kelas tujuh. Di pre-cycle I, siswa kelas tujuh menunjukkan kekurangan latihan. Hal itu dapat terjadi karena ada sedikit sekali latihan di buku teks, guru tidak memberi latihan-latihan tambahan pada kegiatan belajar mengajar, adanya latihan-latihan yang melompat-lompat dari satu kompetensi ke kompetensi yang lain yang mana latihan-latihan tersebut tidak lengkap dan tidak urut. Bahkan, adanya penyertaan guru dan umpan balik dari guru yang rendah setelah membahas latihan. Karena masalah-masalah diatas, peneliti menemukan bahwa siswa menghadapi kesulitan-kesulitan pada organisasi penulisan, isi, tata bahasa, tanda baca, ejaan, dan mekanik, gaya dan kualitas pengekspresian. Setelah itu, peningkatan latihan pun diberikan secara detail dan urut dari latihan menulis kosakata, frase, kalimat, kata penghubung, paragraph, dan teks. Di cycle I, latihan cukup bagus yang mana diberikan secara detail dan urut. Oleh karena itu, siswa dapat menyusun dan mengembangkan steps dengan urut dan mereka menulis steps yang bagus dengan menggunakan kata kerja pertama dan kosakata yang cukup baik. Sementara itu, di cycle II, latihan bagus dan lebih baik yang mana diberikan secara lebih detail dan lebih urut. Oleh karena itu, sebagian besar siswa menunjukkan kemajuan yang lebih baik pada saat menyusun dan mengembangkan steps dengan lengkap dan urut. Mereka juga menulis steps dengan menggunakan kata kerja pertama dan kosakata yang tepat ketika membuat kalimat perintah. Sementara itu, nilai rata-rata tes siswa sebelum penelitian adalah 50.50, setelah cycle I adalah 55.63 dan setelah cycle II adalah 72.73.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Additional Information: | Advisor: Dr. Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati, M.Pd. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | a classroom action research, deductive strategy, practice, procedure text, steps, writing. |
Subjects: | P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Linguistic |
ID Code: | 48487 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 25 Nov 2016 10:48 |
Last Modified: | 21 Feb 2018 09:33 |
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