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Konservasi sumberdaya air merupakan kegiatan yang perlu dilakukan di Desa Regunung, Kecamatan Tengaran, sebagai salah satu desa di Kabupaten Semarang yang berpotensi kekeringan dan kekurangan air bersih. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni sampai Agustus 2014. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis kondisi lahan, air dan vegetasi, partisipasi masyarakat; kondisi sosial ekonomi sebagai satu kesatuan lingkungan dan menyusun strategi konservasi sumberdaya air di Desa Regunung. Metode untuk memperoleh data adalah dengan observasi dan pengukuran langsung di lapangan meliputi analisis vegetasi, pengukuran debit mata air dan kualitas air sumur; analisis data citra kondisi lahan dan perubahan lahan; analisis tabulasi silang dan Marcov Chain untuk proyeksi perubahan penggunaan lahan; metode geometrik untuk proyeksi penduduk; teknik wawancara dengan kuisioner untuk mengetahui tingkat persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat; analisis data sekunder meliputi peta dan data monografi desa; FGD untuk menentukan isu strategi dan IFAS/EFAS; metode analisis SWOT untuk menentukan strategi KSD air dan rencana programnya. Populasi penelitian ini adalah masyarakat Desa Regunung. Responden dan infroman ditentukan secara purposif dengan jumlah responden ditentukan berdasarkan persamaan Slovin. Sedangkan sampel air sumur ditentukan secara acak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Desa Regunung terletak di discharge area CAT Salatiga. Kelerengan bervariasi dari datar-curam, jenis tanah latosol sesuai untuk lahan budidaya. Pergeseran penggunaan lahan meningkatkan koefisien runoff terjadi sejak tahun 1991-2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas air termasuk kategori standar Permenkes 429/Menkes/Per/2010 dengan ketersediaan air surplus hingga Tahun 2037. Hasil penelitian kondisi vegetasi menunjukkan bahwa di Desa Regunung mempunyai pola tanam agroforestri. Indeks keanekaragaman pohon di Desa Regunung termasuk kategori rendah (0,8), dengan jenis tanaman dominan jati, sengon dan mahoni. Hasil penelitian kondisi sosial ekonomi menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan penduduk dan indeks tekanan penduduk terhadap lahan pertanian rendah, mayoritas penduduk berpenghasilan kurang dari Rp. 1.000.000,00, 83% penduduk minimal telah berpendidikan dasar. Kelembagaan di Desa Regunung ada 5 lembaga tani dan 4 peraturan desa yang mendukung upaya konservasi. Tingkat partisipasi masyarakat Desa Regunung termasuk dalam tahap placation yang berkorelasi signifikan dengan tingkat pendidikan dan persepsi masyarakat. Strategi Konservasi Sumberdaya Air yang disarankan adalah strategi diversifikasi, 3 strategi prioritas meliputi pemanfaatan persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat untuk memperlunak tantangan, peningkatan dukungan dana dan teknologi Konservasi Sumberdaya Air, peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai teknik Konservasi Sumberdaya Air, dan RPJ untuk mewujudkan 3 strategi prioritas tersebut. Kata kunci : agroforestri, analisis SWOT, Desa Regunung, hutan desa, tebang butuh. Water resource conservation is a required activity to do in in Regunung Village, Tengaran Subdistrict, Semarang District because this area is potentially dried and has often experienced the lack of clean water even though the water resource conservation is vegetatively conducted. The resecarh is conducted from June to August 2014. The purpose of this research is to analyze the social-economy condition, physical condition as a single environment, and the strategy of water resource conservation in Regunung Village. The method used to gain data is obeservation and direct measuring at field including vegetation analysis, the measure of water source debit and the quality of water from well; the data analysis of the citra condition of landscape and the changing of the land; the crossed tabulation analysis and Marcov Chain for the projection of the cahinging of the land use; geometric method for the projection of people; the technique of interview using questioners to know the level of perception and the participation of community; the secondary data analysis including map and village monographic data, FGD to determine strategy issue and IFAS/EFAS; SWOT analysis method to determine the strategy of water resource conservation and the plan of the program. The population of this research is the people of Regunung Village. Respondent is purposively determined by the number of respondent based on Slovin formula, while the FGD informant is purposively determined. The sample of water from well is randomly determined. The result of the research shows that the condition of Regunung Village is located at discharged area CAT Salatiga. The various level of elevation from flat to sharp and the type of soil is latosol which is perfect for cultivation. The changing of the use of land happening since 1991 - 2014 increases runoff coefficient. The result of the research shows that the quality of water is in the level of standard Permenkes 429/Menkes/Per/2010, the water surplus is available up to the year 2020. The result of the research of vegetation condition shows that the planting method used in Regunung Village is Agroforestry. The index of diversity for three in Regunung Village is at the low level (0,8), dominated with Tectona Grandis, Paraserianthes Falcataria and Swietenia Macrophylla. The result of the social-economy condition research shows that the intensity of people and the index of the pressure of people on the agriculture landscape is low, the majority people's income is less than . 1.000.000,00, 83% people have the minimum level of education - basic. There are five institutions and four government regulations are supporting the conservation effort. The level of community participation in Regunung Village at the stage of placation having significant correlation with the level of education and the people perception. The Water Resource Conservation Strategy suggested is the diversification strategy, the three priorities strategy including the use of perception and the participation of community in order to soften threat, the increasing of supporting fund and the technology of water resource conservation, the increasing of people knowledge on the technique of water resource conservation, and RPJ to implement the three priorities strategy mentioned. Key words : Agroforestry, SWOT analysis, Regunung Village, people forest, the need-logging.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Environmental Science |
ID Code: | 48407 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 31 Mar 2016 16:28 |
Last Modified: | 31 Mar 2016 16:28 |
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