Fatikhah, Fatikhah and Dharmana, Edy and Hidayat, Wahyu (2016) Studi Fenomenologi Pengalaman Komite Keperawatan dalam Pelaksanaan Kredensial di RSUD Tugurejo Semarang. Masters thesis, Diponegoro University.
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Studi Fenomenologi Pengalaman Komite Keperawatan dalam Pelaksanaan Kredensial di RSUD Tugurejo Semarang Latarbelakang: Komite keperawatan sub kredensial mempunyai tugas utama melakukan kredensial dan merekomendasikan hasil kredensial terhadap kewenangan klinik bagi perawat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman komite keperawatan dalam pelaksanaan kredensial khususnya di RSUD Tugurejo Semarang. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif fenomenologi. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, dan studi dokumentasi. Wawancara dilaksanakan pada 4 informan utama dan 3 informan triangulasi. Analisa data dilakukan dengan teknik content analysis. Hasil: penelitian teridentifikasi enam tema tentang gambaran pelaksanaan kredensial,meliputi 1) faktor pendukung pelaksanaan kredensial perawat, 2) White paper sebagai pedoman dalam pelaksanaan kredensial, 3) Verifikasi data untuk menetapkan jenjang karir, 4) menetapkan kompetensi perawat melalui assesment, 5) prosedur pelaksanaan kredensial perawat untuk mendapatkan surat penugasan kewenangan klinis, dan 6) faktor yang mempengaruhi proses pelaksanaan kredensial perawat. Simpulan: Proses pelaksanaan kredensial terdapat perbedaan dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan nomor 49 tahun 2013 dalam hal kewenangan dan ranah tanggung jawab disetiap tahapan kredensial. Perbedaan tersebut dikarenakan kebijakan internal rumah sakit menjadi acuan dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan kredensial perawat yang dituangkan dalam Nursing Staf By Laws. Peneliti merekomendasikan, rumah sakit melakukan peninjauan ulang terkait tugas dan tanggung jawab pelaksanaan kredensial berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 49 Tahun 2013 serta Nursing Staf by Laws sebagai dasar pelaksanaan kredensial perawat. Study Phenomenology The Experience of Nursing Committee in Implementing Credentials in Tugurejo General Hospital, Semarang Introduction: The sub credentials of nursing committee have the ultimate task to conduct credentials and recommend the results towards clinical authority for nurses. The aim of this study is to explore the experience of nursing committee in the implementation of credentials particularly in Tugurejo General Hospital, Semarang. Method: The study used qualitative phenomenology design to explore the experience of the nursing comittee in implementing. In-depth interview and documentation study had been done to collect the data. The interview had been done with four main informants and three triangulation informants. Content analysis technique had been done to analyze the data. Findings: This study found six themes that illustrate the implementation of credential, that is 1) Supporting factors in implementing Nursing Credential, 2) White Paper as the guidance in implementing credential, 3) Data verification to establish the careers path, 4) Determine the nurse competency through the assessment, 5) Manual of Nursing Credential to get the certificate to do clinical authorities, 6) Factors that influence the process of nursing credential implementation. Conclusion: The implementation of credentials in Tugurejo General Hospital still have any difference with Regulation of Ministry of Health number 49 on 2013 in terms of authority and responsibility in each stages of credentials. The difference has cause by the internal policies of the Hospital became the reference in the administration of nursing credentials as outlined in nursing by laws.The researcher recommends that the hospital reviews aboutthe tasks and the responsibilities of credentials implementations based on Regulation of Ministry of Health number 49 on 2013 and nursing by laws as the base of the implementation of credentials.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RT Nursing |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Nursing |
ID Code: | 48229 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 24 Mar 2016 15:19 |
Last Modified: | 24 Mar 2016 15:19 |
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