REDUKSI KESADAHAN MENGGUNAKAN ION EXCHANGER BERBASIS KARBON AKTIF DAN ZEOLIT UNTUK PENGOLAHAN AIR SANITASI DI DIII TEKNIK KIMIA UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO (The Hardness Reduction By Using Ion Exchanger Base On Activated Carbon And Zeolit For Sanitation Water Treatment In Diploma Of Chemical Engineering Diponegoro University)

AMALIA A, RISKY SYABANA (2015) REDUKSI KESADAHAN MENGGUNAKAN ION EXCHANGER BERBASIS KARBON AKTIF DAN ZEOLIT UNTUK PENGOLAHAN AIR SANITASI DI DIII TEKNIK KIMIA UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO (The Hardness Reduction By Using Ion Exchanger Base On Activated Carbon And Zeolit For Sanitation Water Treatment In Diploma Of Chemical Engineering Diponegoro University). Undergraduate thesis, Undip.

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Water is a major requirement for life on Earth. Currently, the availability of water, especially clean water decreased quite dramatically due to deforestation, pollution from industrial activity waste, global warming, excessive water consumption, etc., so many ways continue to be taken to obtain clean water sources. Further water treatment is also needed for water containing hardness. One way to eliminate the hardness is to use ion exchange resins, namely Ion Exchanger. Hardness or hardness is one of the chemical properties owned by the water that is caused due to ions Ca2+, Mg2+, or may also be due to other ions of polyvalent metal (metal-valent many) such as Al, Fe, Mn, Sr and Zn in the form of sulfate salts, chloride and bicarbonate in small quantities. There are 2 types of hardness, the hardness permanent and temporary hardness. Ion exchangers or ion exchange resins are compounds hidrokarbonterpolimerisasi up to a high level yangmengandung crosslinking bonds (cross-linking) and mengandungion-ion clusters that can be exchanged. The series of ion exchangers tool consists of three tanks, the tank cation exchanger, anion exchanger tank, and activated carbon tanks, each of which is made of FRP. At the top of the tank there is a way valve to the filter, fast rinse and back wash. The method used in the analysis of the levels of Ca and Mg is complexometry titration is the method in which the titrant and titratnya each other to form neutral complexes that dissociate in solution. In this study to test the hardness is done by means of Ion Exchanger dengankombinasi addition of activated carbon and zeolite, with a total of 110 liters of water 10 ml samples were taken every 10 minutes for 6 times. Results of observations obtained for impairment hardness using a combination of activated carbon without the addition of zeolite at 1.2 ppm; 0.4 ppm; 0.3 ppm; 0.3 ppm; 0.2 ppm; and 0.2 PMM. As for the results of the impairment hardness with ion exchangers combination of activated carbon and zeolite obtained addition of 1.2 ppm; 0.4 ppm; 0,3ppm; 0.2 ppm, 0.2 ppm; 0.2 ppm. It can be concluded the use of Ion Exchanger combination of activated carbon and zeolite addition of more effective, because the activated carbon and zeolite functions as an adsorbent that is able to absorb Ca and Mg ions contained in the water. (Water, hardness, Ion Exchangers, Activated Carbon, Zeolite)

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:T Technology > TP Chemical technology
Divisions:Faculty of Engineering > Diploma in Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering > Diploma in Chemical Engineering
ID Code:48053
Deposited On:18 Mar 2016 14:03
Last Modified:18 Mar 2016 14:03

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