Choerul, Anwar (2015) Pengaruh Kreativitas Iklan, Kemenarikan Pesan, Daya Tarik Celebrity Endorser, dan Kredibilitas Celebrity Endorser Terhadap Minat Beli Produk Vaseline Men ( Studi Kasus Ariel Noah). Masters thesis, Master Program in Communication Science.
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Pemilihan Ariel Noah sebagai celebrity endorser produk perawatan wajah Vaseline Men menghasilkan persepsi yang berbeda karena dimana sebelumnya Ariel pernah terlibat kasus video porno namun Ariel tetap dipilih menjadi celebrity endorser dan salah satunya adalah Vaseline Men. Ariel tetap konsisten dalam menghasilkan karya- karyanya sebagai musisi. Iklan Vaseline Men ini sangat kreatif karena menampilkan alat temperatur kegantengan dan mempunyai pesan sederhana yaitu “ dua langkah biar loe ganteng maksimal”. Berdasarkan alasan tersebut penulis tertarik untuk memilih penelitian ini untuk melihat sejauh mana pengaruh kreativitas iklan, kemenarikan pesan, daya tarik celebrity endorser dan kredibilitas celebrity endorser terhadap minat beli produk perawatan wajah Vaseline Men Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Elaboration Likehood Model dan Cognitif Respon untuk melihat bagaimana pesan yang disampaikan oleh perusahaan melalui komunikasi pemasaran dan mencari tahu bagaimana reaksi konsumen terhadap pesan komunikasi yang disampaikan sehingga mendapatkan perhatian dari konsumen sehingga mereka memutuskan untuk melakukan pembelian Menggunakan penelitian eksplanatif untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara dua atau lebih gejala atau variabel. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pria berusia 20 tahun keatas yang berdomisili di Semarang dengan 100 responden dengan metode convinience sampling dan menggunakan teknik analisis regresi. Jenis data yang digunakan merupakan data kuantitatif dan sumber data nya berupa hasil jawaban kuesioner dengan skala pengukuran menggunakan skala likert dengan bobot nilai 1 – 10 yang diolah dengan menggunakan Smart PLS. Uji penelitian smart Pls ini menggunakan Goodness fit of model, outer weight dan pengujian hipotesa. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa untuk nilai convergent validity dan discriminant validity (AVE) semuanya valid (> 0.5) dan nilai discriminant validity cross loading valid (>0.7).Untuk nilai uji signifikansi juga valid ( >1,96), uji reliabilitas juga reliabel ( >0.7). Demikian juga untuk nilai outer model semuanya valid ( >1.96). Nilai inner model R-square 0,4789, yang berarti bahwa nilai model memiliki arti moderat (>0.33). Sedangkan nilai inner model Q-square -0,05276 <0 yang berarti Q-square kurang memiliki nilai predictive relevance. Dalam uji hipotesis diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara kreativitas iklan dan kemenarikan pesan terhadap minat beli dimana t hitung> tabel dimana α 5 % yaitu 2,757 dan 2,846 > 1,29. Dengan demikian hipotesis tersebut diterima dalam penelitian ini. Sedangkan daya tarik dan kredibilitas celebrity endorser terdapat hubungan negatif terhadap minat beli yang memiliki nilai 0,093 dan 1,073 karena dibawah nilai t-tabel (1,29). Dengan demikian hipotesis tersebut ditolak. Kreativitas iklan dan kemenarikan pesan diikuti oleh minat beli dengan t hitung> tabel, sedangkan minat beli tidak ditentukan oleh kredibilitas maupun tarik celebrity endorser terbukti dengan nilai t-hitung < t-tabel. Kata Kunci : kreativitas iklan, kemenarikan pesan, daya tarik celebrity endorser, kredibilitas celebrity endorser, minat beli. ABSTRACT The Election of Ariel Noah as a celebrity endorser Vaseline Men skin care products creates a different perception because previously Ariel was involved a porn video case but Ariel was still chosen to be a celebrity endorser and one of the products was Vaseline Men. Ariel also remained consistent in producing his work as a musician. Vaseline Men ads was so creative because it’s displays temperature tool to see how the gay looks so well and this ads has a simple message of "dua langkah biar loe ganteng maksimal". For that reason, the author is interested to choose this study to see how far the influence of advertising creativity, attractiveness of the message, appeal and credibility celebrity endorser (towards) buying interest Vaseline skin care product Men This study uses Likehood ELM and Cognitive Response Model to see how the message delivered by the company through marketing communication and find out how the consumer reaction to the communication message conveyed to gain the attention of consumers so they decided to make a purchase. This research uses an explanatory research to clarify the relationship between two or more symptoms or variable variables. The population in this study were men over aged of 20 years who live in Semarang with 100 respondents using the convinience sampling method and a regression analysis technique. The type of the data is quantitative data by the source from the results of the questionaire answers by using a Likert scale measurement by grades of 1-10 which were processed using the Smart PLS. SmartPls research trials uses Goodness fit of the model, the outer weight and hypothesis testing. The results for the value of convergent validity and discriminant validity (AVE) were valid (> 0.5) and the value of cross loading discriminant validity was valid (> 0.7). For the result of significance test was also valid (> 1.96), reliability test was also reliable (> 0.7). Similarly with the outer models was valid (> 1.96). Inner value of R-square model is 0.4789, which means that the value of the model means a moderate (> 0.33). While the value of the model Q-square inner -0.05276 <0 which means that Q-square has lack predictive value relevance. In a hypothesis test is known that there is a positive relationship between advertising creativity and the attractiveness of the message to the buying interest where t-value > table with α 5% are 2.757 and 2.846 > 1.29. Thus the hypothesis is accepted in this study. While the attractiveness and credibility of the celebrity endorser there are a negative relation to the buying interest that have a value 0.093 and 1.073 for under the t-table value (1.29). Thus the hypothesis are rejected. Advertising creativity and the attractiveness of the message followed by the buying interest with t-value> t-table, while buying interest is not determined by the credibility and attractiveness of celebrity endorser as evidenced by the t-value <t-table. Keywords: advertising creativity, attractiveness of the message, the appeal of celebrity endorser, celebrity endorser credibility, buying interest.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Communication Science |
ID Code: | 48041 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 18 Mar 2016 08:45 |
Last Modified: | 18 Mar 2016 14:03 |
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