Bonardo, Marulitua A. (2015) Komodifikasi Disabilitas Sebagai Tayangan Populer di Televisi. Masters thesis, Postgraduate Program in Communication Studies.
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KOMODIFIKASI DISABILITAS SEBAGAI TAYANGAN POPULER DI TELEVISI Abstrak Kapitalisme telah menjadi sebuah sistem yang memproduksi berbagai komoditas. Televisi sebagai agen kapitalisme telah memproduksi beragam acara yang mampu 'menipu' minat pemirsanya. Keberadaan media massa khususnya televisi di Indonesia telah menjadi bagian penting dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat kita. Tak semata hanya sebagai produk teknologi, televisi telah menjelma menjadi instrumen yang memungkinkan distribusi nilai secara meluas. Bahkan saat ini disabilitas telah bertransformasi menjadi komoditas utama. Dalam kesadaran palsu, kita dibawa masuk dan menganggap realitas media sebagai realitas yang terjadi dalam kehidupan nyata seperti yang direpresentasikannya, sebagaimana tayangan talk show Hitam Putih di TRANS7 yang menampilkan disabilitas pada diri Mulyana, seorang atlet renang tuna daksa. Kepentingan-kepentingan ekonomis muncul dibalik fenomena menjamurnya tayangan talk show bertema disabilitas. Penelitian ini bermaksud menggambarkan komodifikasi terhadap disabilitas yang telah dikemas menjadi sebuah tayangan populer dalam sebuah program talk show Hitam Putih di stasiun televisi TRANS7, termasuk menggambarkan konsensus makna disabilitas itu sendiri. Dengan menggunakan Teori Komodifikasi dan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan semiotika Barthes, peneliti menemukan bahwa: dengan audio dan visual yang membabi buta merebak ke pikiran publik secara berkesinambungan dan cepat, membuat pemirsanya tak lagi mampu merenungkan program televisi yang disaksikannya. Inilah yang membuatnya dengan mudah menerima begitu saja pengetahuan bermuatan nilai-nilai sosial mengenai topik yang disaksikannya, termasuk adanya praktik komodifikasi dan konsensus pemaknaan terhadap disabilitas. Melalui tayangan televisi, tim produksi talk show Hitam Putih TRANS7 yang telah memiliki labeling bahwa disabilitas adalah mahluk yang aneh, mahluk yang tidak sempurna, mahluk yang pantas ditertawakan, mahluk yang menjijikkan, mahluk yang pesakitan dan bervirus, mahluk yang tidak dapat hidup tanpa bantuan orang lain sehingga harus diisolasi dan dialienasi. Bahkan, labeling terhadap disabilitas juga mengalami perkembangan jauh dari mitologi yang muncul dalam sejumlah kebudayaan. Kaum disabilitas yang dimaknai sebagai orang yang suci, penebus dosa, bahkan justru juga adalah sang juruselamat. Namun dalam tayangan program talk show Hitam Putih TRANS7, disabilitas justru menjadi juruselamat bagi kaum kapitalis yang senantiasa haus untuk dipenuhi “libido” akan pemuasan keuntungan semata. Kata Kunci: Komodifikasi, Disabilitas, Semiotika, Televisi COMMODIFICATION OF DISABILITY AS POPULAR SHOWS IN TELEVISION Abstract Kapitalism has become a system which produces various commodities. Television as the kapitalism agent has produced numerous TV shows that are able to “deceive”the audiences’ interest. The existense of mass media especially television in Indonesia has become a significant part in our social life. Television has not only played as the product of technology but also has transformed into an instrument which enables widely the distribution of value. In fact, disability has currently transformed into the main commodity. Within our fake awareness, we are brought into and we consider the reality in the media as the reality that occurs in the real life as has been represented in the TV show. As an illustration, there is a talk show named Hitam Putih in TRANS7 which showed a disabled person, Mulyana, a swimming athlete who is physically disabled. There are many economical interests that become the reason behind the phenomenon of the booming talk show with disability theme. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to illustrate the commodification of disability that has been transformed into a popular TV show, especially in a talk show program named Hitam Putih in TRANS7 TV station. It will also include the illustration of the consensus meaning of the term disability itself. By using the Commodification Theory and qualitative research method using Semiotics Barthes approach, the writer finds out that: the audiences can not thoughfully think about the television programs that have been seen because of with the foolhardy, sustainable and rapid audio and visual to their mind. Consequently, they will easily accept any knowledge containing social value of the topic from the TV show that they watch, including the co-modification practice and consensus meaning of the term disability. Through the TV show, the production team of Hitam Putih talk show in TRANS7 has posessed the labelling that disabled people are weird creatures, imperfect creatures, laughable creatures, disgusting creatures, sickly and viral creatures, and dependet creatures who can not live without other people so that they must be isolated and alienated. Moreover, the labelling toward disabled people also has increased beyond the mythology existing in some cultures. The disabled people are often referred as sacred people, the redeemer, god’s shepherd and even the savior. Unfortunately, in Hitam Putih talk show TRANS7, the disabled people become the savior for the capitalists who are always full of “the libido” to satisfy their own profit. Key Words: Commodification, Disability, Semiotics, Television
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Communication Science |
ID Code: | 46912 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 26 Nov 2015 15:20 |
Last Modified: | 18 Dec 2015 18:09 |
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