Satya, Adibaskara (2015) KODE ETIK BUSHIDO DALAM ANIME SENGOKU BASARA. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Diponegoro.



ABSTRACT Satya Adibaskara Wiryawan. Code of Bushido in Sengoku Basara (戦 国 バ サ ラ) anime. Thesis of Department of Japanese Studies. Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University. The first advisor, Drs. Moh. Muzakka, M. Hum and second advisor Zaki Ainul Fadli, S.S. M. Hum. Keyword : Code, bushido, anime This thesis is discusses about Code of Bushido in Sengoku Basara anime. The reason for choosing this title because bushido is a code of ethics that govern every aspect of samurai life. Bushido is a characteristic of Japanese society. Bushido is also become a soul and cultural controls for the Japanese people. Beside that, bushido become ethical system for japanese society which become an important role in the progress of Japan and and even now still applied in everyday life. The reasons for choosing anime Sengoku Basara as the research object of this thesis because bushido is contained in the dialogue, behavior and actions of the characters. In addition, because the dress style of characters in this anime is different from the original character that adapts contemporary tastes of anime fans and the anime story is different from the actual history is also the reason for choosing the research objects of this thesis. To write this thesis, first the authors collect data, and then analyze the data to be presented descriptively. In the anime Sengoku Basara (戦 国 バ サ ラ), some code of bushido can be seen and demonstrated through dialogue, behavior and actions of the characters. There some code of bushido in this anime. That code is rectitude, courage, benevolence, honesty and veracity, honor, and loyalty. Rectitude is shown when take actions and decisions for the right reasons, prioritize obligation, and not forget the purpose of life. Courage is shown by samurai when facing the enemy and difficult situation. Benevolence is shown when saving and helping someone that his life was threatened. Honesty and veracity is shown when admit guilt for the actions and decisions that have been taken and admit the greatness of the opponent to know and not underestimate the truth of capacity of the opponent. Honor is shown when samurai would commit seppuku because samurai can not carry out their duties well. That has tarnished the honor of the samurai. Loyalty is shown when a samurai with wholeheartedly serve his master and although the opponent has to persuade or threaten him once, the loyalty of a samurai remained steadfast and did not want to betray his master.

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:A General Works > AS Academies and learned societies (General)
Divisions:Faculty of Humanities > Department of Japanese
ID Code:46086
Deposited On:07 Aug 2015 08:32
Last Modified:07 Aug 2015 08:32

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