Kadar Hematokrit, Urea, dan Glukosa Darah Domba Lokal Jantan Akibat Substitusi Lumpur Limbah Fermentasi Alkohol dengan Pakan Basal Rumput Gajah. (Rate Hematokrit, Urea, and Glucose Blood of Indigenous Rams Effect of Subtituen Alcohol by-Products Fed with Napier Grass).

WIDAGDO, AGUS WAHYU (2006) Kadar Hematokrit, Urea, dan Glukosa Darah Domba Lokal Jantan Akibat Substitusi Lumpur Limbah Fermentasi Alkohol dengan Pakan Basal Rumput Gajah. (Rate Hematokrit, Urea, and Glucose Blood of Indigenous Rams Effect of Subtituen Alcohol by-Products Fed with Napier Grass). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Peternakan UNDIP Semarang.


Official URL: http://www.fp.undip.ac.id

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:S Agriculture > SF Animal culture
Divisions:Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences > Department of Animal Agriculture
ID Code:4574
Deposited On:20 Jan 2010 07:15
Last Modified:20 Jan 2010 07:15

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