Choiroel Anwar, Muhammad (2005) Hubungan Kualitas Pemeriksaan Antenatal Dengan Kematian Perinatal (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Banyumas). Jurnal Epidemiologi . (Unpublished)
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xv Program Pascasarjana Program Studi Epidemiologi Universitas Diponegoro 2005 ABSTRAK M. Choiroel Anwar Hubungan Kualitas Pemeriksaan Antenatal Dengan Kematian Perinatal (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Banyumas) XVI + 151 , 46 tabel, 1 grafik, 3 bagan, 8 lampiran Kematian perinatal adalah kematian janin pada usia kehamilan ≥ 28 minggu sampai dengan 7 hari pertama setelah bayi lahir, dimana kematian perinatal ini memberikan kontribusi terbesar pada angka kematian bayi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui besar resiko kematian perinatal pada ibu yang mendapatkan kualitas pemeriksaan ANC kurang baik dengan mempertimbangkan variabel konfounding faktor Ibu, faktor bayi dan faktor pelayanan kesehatan. Jenis penelitian yang di gunakan observasional dengan rancangan kasus kontrol. Jumlah sampel minimal yang dibutuhkan 95 kasus dan 95 kontrol. Hasil penelitian didapatkan proporsi responden yang mendapatkan kualitas pemeriksaan ANC baik pada kelompok kasus 52.6 % lebih kecil dibanding kelompok kontrol 86,3 %. Karakteristik ibu diketahui 23,7 % berumur ≥ 35 tahun, 43,7 % paritas 1 kali, 51,05 % berpendikan SD kebawah, 20.5 % persalinan tidak normal dan 7,4 % mempunyai riwayat sakit sebelumnya. Karakteristik bayi diketahui 26.8 % BBLR, 28,4 % asfiksi, 4,2 % infeksi dan 8,4 % terdapat kelainan kongenital. Sedangkan dari penolong persalinan diketahui 16.3 % ditolong oleh tenaga bukan kesehatan dan 54.2 % bidan memberikan anjuran untuk melahirkan di RS. Hasil perhitungani crude odds ratio bayi yang dilahirkan dari ibu yang menerima pelayanan antenatal tidak baik mempunyai risiko terjadinya kematian perinatal 5.6 kali di bandingkan dengan ibu yang mendapatkan kualitas pemeriksaann ANC baik (p = 0,001, 95 % C.I 2.054-11.592). Setelah di kontrol dengan variabel kondisi persalinan, BBLR dan asfiksi didapatkan nilai adjusted odds ratio bayi yang dilahirkan dari ibu yang menerima pelayanan antenatal tidak baik mempunyai risiko terjadinya kematian perinatal 4.88 kali di bandingkan dengan ibu yang mendapatkan kualitas pemeriksaann ANC baik (p < 0,000). Saran kepada Dinas Kesehatan Banyumas untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan antenatal semaksimal mungkin, baik frekuensi maupun kelengkapannya dan serta melakukan screening terhadap bayi yang baru lahir terhadap kemungkinan adanya tanda penyakit kronis ataupun kelainan kongenital. Kata kunci : Kematian perinatal, odds ratio dan pemeriksaan ANC PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version xvi Postgraduate Program of Epidemiologi University of Diponegoro 2005 ABSTRACT Anwar, Choiroel The Relationship between Antenatal Care Quality and Perinatal Mortality (Case Study in the District of Banyumas) Perinatall mortality is fetus mortality in pregnancy age of > 28 weeks up to and including the first 7 days after child birth. Perinatal mortality is the main cause of infant mortality. This research aims to know how much the risk of prenatal mortality of mother with low quality of Antenatal Care after considering the factors of the mother, the infant and health services. Design of the study is case control and the numbers of samples are 95 cases and 95 controls. The result of study indicates that the proportion of respondent’s adequate good quality of Antenatal Care at cases group is 52.6 %, it is less than control group 86.3 %. The characteristics of mothers are: 23.7 % are ≥ 35 years old, 43.7 % were paritas once, 51.05 % under and have graduated from elementary school, 20.5 % were abnormal childbirth and 7.4 % had previous diseases. The characteristics of the infants are: 26.8 % were low weight birth, 28.4 % were asfiction, 4.2 % were infected and 8.4 % were congenital deviation. While from the childbirth guides indicate that 16.3 % were helped by non health official and 54.2 % were suggested by midwives to give birth in hospitals. The value of crude odds ratio of the infants born by the mothers inadequate Antenatal Care, had the risk of prenatal mortality 5.6 times compared to the mothers adequate Antenatal Care (95 % C.I 2.054- 11.592, p< 0.001). After controlled to the variables of child birth condition, low weight birth and the asfixia, it indicates the value of adjusted odds ratio of the infants born by the mothers inadequate antenatal care had the risk to get perinatal mortality 4.88 times compared to the mothers adequate antenatal care ( p < 0.001). The suggestion for Health Office of Banyumas Regency are to increase the best antenatal care quality, both in frequent and in providing the equipments and also by screening to bear child for the possibilities of chronic disease indication or congenital deviations. Keywords: Perinatal mortality, odds ratio and Antenatal Care. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Epidemiology |
ID Code: | 4445 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 19 Jan 2010 14:24 |
Last Modified: | 01 Mar 2010 12:36 |
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