Ali, Mustofa (2014) STRUKTUR DOMINASI MEDIA PADA INDEPENDENSI WARTAWAN. Masters thesis, Postgraduate Program in Communication Studies.
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ABSTRAK Kebebasan pers di era reformasi memunculkan masalah konglomerasi, mengubah wajah kebebasan media dan kebutuhan informasi publik menjadi kebebasan menguasai pasar media. Publik hanya dilihat sebagai market (pasar), sementara pemilik media semena-mena terhadap karyawannya. Kondisi itu muncul karena pekerja pers belum punya posisi tawar (bargaining position). Posisi wartawan di Indonesia serba tanggung, disebut profesi ataukah buruh. Jika dianggap memiliki dua identitas, tidak berarti mereka tidak berhak mendirikan organisasi wartawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan struktur dominasi media pada independensi wartawan. Penelitian dilakukan pendekatan etnografi kritis dengan metode diskriptif analitis, menggunakan teori strukturasi cara berpikir Giddens. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, struktur media pada independensi wartawan bersifat dominan bahkan “menindas”. Dominasi tersebut mewujud dalam kebijakan media secara internal dan eksternal. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, cakupan teoretik dari komunikasi yang terbangun antara agen dan struktur belum terjadi dualitas dalam teori strukturasi. Perspektif dalam penelitian ini, seharusnya struktur tersebut bersifat memberdayakan (enabling) bukan mengekang (constraining). Strukturasi mengandaikan adanya unsur timbal balik (dualitas) bukan terpisah (dualisme) antara agen dan struktur. Dominasi akan menjadi negatif jika diperoleh secara menyimpang. Dominasi baru bisa diakui bila agen dan struktur dalam kesetaraan. Upaya yang dilakukan adalah mencari jalan keluar, salah satunya dengan re-edukasi para wartawan yang selama ini tersesat pada logika sebagai employment. Perlu mendorong mereka meneguhkan komitmen sebagai profesional untuk kebaikan publik (praktik sosial). Wartawan sebagai agen hendaknya mempunyai kekuasaan ekonomi-politik memadai (resources) untuk digunakan dalam interaksi sosial (komunikasi, kekuasaan, sanksi) untuk menciptakan struktur signifikasi dan legitimasi yang bebas dari struktur dominasi media melalui berbagai aturan. Keywords: struktur dominasi, media, independensi, wartawan ABSTRACT Freedom of the press in the reform era conglomeration raises issues, changing the face of media freedom and freedom of information needs of the public into the market dominate the media. Only be seen as a public market (the market), while media owners arbitrarily to employees. The condition arises because workers have not had the bargaining power of the press (bargaining position). The position of journalists in Indonesia is being still underestimated by the owner, called profession or labor. If considered to have two identities, does not mean they are not entitled to set up an organization of journalists for creating independently. Further, this study aims to describe the structure of domination on the independence of the media reporters. Critical ethnographic approach to research conducted by the descriptive analytical method, using structure theory of Giddens way of thinking. The results showed, the structure of the media on the independence of journalists is dominant even "oppressive". Recently the dominance still manifests in media policy internally and externally. Based on the research, theoretical coverage of communication between agents and structure awakened yet occurred duality in the theory of structural. Perspective in this study, the structure should be empowering (enabling) not curb (constraining). Structural presupposes the existence of a reciprocal element (duality) is not separate (dualism) between agents and structures. However, the dominance will be negative if obtained deviate. Dominance can only be recognized when the agents and structures within equity. Efforts is looking for a way out, one of them with the re-education of the journalists who had been lost in the logic as employment. Need to encourage them affirm commitment to the public good as a professional (social practices). Finally, the journalists as agents should have adequate economic and political power (resources) for use in social interaction (communication, power and sanction) to create structures of significance and legitimacy that is free from the domination of the media structure through various rules or policies. Keywords: structure of domination, media, independence, journalists
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Communication Science |
ID Code: | 43535 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 22 Aug 2014 20:42 |
Last Modified: | 18 Dec 2015 17:59 |
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