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Latar belakang: Salah satu faktor kesehatan psikologis ibu adalah kecemasan, dimana kejadian kecemasan ini umum terjadi pada ibu hamil. kehamilan trimester III merupakan periode penantian dengan penuh kewaspadaan menunggu dan menanti masa persalinan, yang dapat meningkatkan perasaan cemas pada ibu hamil, dan membutuhkan intervensi untuk mengatasinya. Tujuan penelitian: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik pernapasan diafragma terhadap tingkat kecemasan pada ibu hamil trimester III. Metode: Quasi-experimental studies dengan pendekatan pretest-posttest control group ini, dilakukan untuk mempelajari masing-masing 18 orang pada kelompok kontrol dan intervensi, yang berkunjung pada salah satu puskesmas di kota Palangka Raya setelah minggu ke-28 sampai minggu ke-37 kehamilan mereka dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Kelompok intervensi diberikan teknik pernapasan diafragma dengan menarik napas melalui hidung dalam empat kali hitungan, menahan nafas serta menghembuskan napas dalam enam kali hitungan, dilakukan selama 30 menit per hari selama tujuh hari. Kelompok kontrol hanya menerima pemeriksaan kehamilan rutin. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan alat ukur kecemasan HARS yang dimodifikasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan software SPSS melalui uji t-test. Hasil: Hasil analisis pada kelompok intervensi didapatkan p value 0,005 (p<0,05), kelompok kontrol didapatkan p value 0,168 (p>0,05), analisis dua kelompok didapatkan p value 0,002 (p<0,05). Kesimpulan: Pemberian teknik pernapasan diafragma pada ibu hamil trimester III dapat berpengaruh terhadap penurunan tingkat kecemasan Kata kunci: ibu hamil trimester III, kecemasan, teknik pernapasan diafragma Background: One factor of the mother's psychological health anxiety, where anxiety was common occurrence in pregnant women. the third trimester of pregnancy was a period of watchful with waiting and waiting for the parturition, which could increase the anxiety feeling in pregnant women, and then the intervention to overcome. Objective: This research was conducted to determine the effect of diaphragmatic breathing techniques on the level of anxiety in the third trimester pregnant women. Methods: Quasi-experimental studies with the approach of pretest-posttest control group was conducted for each of the 18 people in the control and the intervention group, who visited upon the local government clinic in Palangkaraya after the 28th until the 37th week of pregnancy with the consecutive technical sampling. The intervention group was given diaphragmatic breathing technique to inhale through nose in every four enumeration, hold up and exhale breathing in every six enumeration for 30 minutes per day during seven days. The control group received only routine prenatal care. The research instruments of anxiety measurement were using a modified HARS. The data was analyzed by using SPSS software through t-test. Results: The result of t-test analysis for the intervention groups was p value 0,005(p<0,05), and the control groups was p value 0,168 (p>0,05). The sum of two t-test alalyses were p value 0,002 (p<0,05). Conclusion: The diaphragmatic breathing technique gave to prenatal care women in the third trimester might be better affected by lowering the anxiety level. Keywords : the third trimester pregnant women, anxiety, diaphragmatic breathing techniques.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RG Gynecology and obstetrics |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Epidemiology |
ID Code: | 43149 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 13 Jun 2014 08:24 |
Last Modified: | 13 Jun 2014 08:24 |
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