Analisis Faktor Internal dan Eksternal dalam Upaya Menyusun Strategi Pemasaran RSI Banjarnegara

Sari, Yuliani Norma and Sudiro, Sudiro and Mawarni, Atik (2014) Analisis Faktor Internal dan Eksternal dalam Upaya Menyusun Strategi Pemasaran RSI Banjarnegara. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO.

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Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi Rumah Sakit 2014 ABSTRAK Yuliani Norma Sari Analisis Faktor Internal dan Eksternal dalam Upaya Menyusun Strategi Pemasaran RSI Banjarnegara xiv + 140 halaman + 12 tabel + 10 gambar + 5 lampiran Strategi pemasaran sangat diperlukan oleh manajer rumah sakit agar dapat melakukan penetapan strategi yang tepat dan mengantisipasi perubahan lingkungan yang terjadi. Walaupun sudah beroperasi selama 30 tahun, RSI Banjarnegara belum pernah menyusun strategi pemasaran yang konsisten dan intensif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis lingkungan internal dan eksternal dalam upaya menyusun strategi pemasaran RSI Banjarnegara. Ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan melalui deskripsi analitik, dengan variabel faktor internal, faktor eksternal dan strategi pemasaran. Variabel tersebut dianalisis dengan metode IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary) dan EFAS (Eksternal Factor Analysis Summary). Kemudian disusunlah alternative strategi pemasaran RSI Banjarnegara. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, studi dokumentasi dan wawancara mendalam kepada subyek penelitian, yang terdiri dari 6 informan utama. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kekuatan yang terdiri dari: motivasi dan loyalitas karyawan, sumber daya lahan, budaya organisasi, pasar potensial, tarif terjangkau, kerjasama asuransi kesehatan, proses pelayanan, dan kepuasan pasien. Kelemahan terdiri dari: peran yayasan, sistem informasi manajemen, keuangan, organisasi pemasaran, produk layanan, tarif tidak rinci, tata ruang semrawut, komitmen dokter spesialis, jumlah dan kualifikasi SDM, dan pengembangan SDM. Faktor eksternal berupa peluang terdiri dari: lokasi, peluang pasar, teknologi, sosial budaya masyarakat, dan kerjasama dengan pemberi layanan kesehatan. Ancaman terdiri dari: kondisi ekonomi, tuntutan masyarakat, kemampuan pesaing, dan perantara pemasaran. Hasil analisa IFAS dan EFAS diperoleh nilai kekuatan 2,8, kelemahan 2,51, peluang 3,21, dan ancaman 3,3. Posisi pemasaran RSI Banjarnegara pada kuadran II dan strategi yang direkomendasikan untuk situasi ST (Strength-Threat) adalah strategi diversifikasi. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah RSI Banjarnegara memiliki kekuatan yang besar namun menghadapi ancaman. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, saran yang direkomendasikan adalah meningkatkan kerjasama dengan perusahaan asuransi dengan meningkatkan fasilitas yang terkait, menambah jumlah layanan untuk membidik pasar yang belum digarap oleh pesaing, meningkatkan minat kerjasama perusahaan perantara pemasaran dengan peningkatan jumlah dan mutu pelayanan. Kata kunci : Faktor internal dan eksternal, SWOT, Strategi pemasaran Pustaka : 41 pustaka (1995-2013) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Hospital Administration 2014 ABSTRACT Yuliani Norma Sari Analysis of Internal and External Factors to Develop a Marketing Strategy of the Islamic Hospital of Banjarnegara xiv + 140 pages + 12 tables + 10 figures + 5 enclosures A marketing strategy is needed by a hospital manager in order to determine a strategy exactly and anticipate the changes of the environment. Even though the Islamic Hospital of Banjarnegara has been operating for 30 years, the hospital has not ever developed a consistent and intensive marketing strategy. This research aimed to analyze internal and external environment in developing a marketing strategy of the Islamic Hospital of Banjarnegara. This was qualitative research conducted descriptively and analytically. Variables encompassed factors of internal, external, and a marketing strategy. These variables were analyzed using a method of IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary) and EFAS (External Factor Analysis Summary). Furthermore, an alternative of a marketing strategy of the hospital was developed. Data were collected by observation, a documentation study, and indepth interview to research subjects consisted of 6 main informants. The results of this research showed that the strengths encompassed motivation, employees’ loyalty, land resources, organizational culture, potential market, affordable rates, cooperation with health insurance, process of services, and patients’ satisfaction. In contrast, the weaknesses consisted of a role of foundations, management information system, finance, marketing organization, service product, undetailed rates, unclear landscape, commitment of specialist, number and qualification of human resources, and human resources development. The external factors had some opportunities namely location, a marketing chance, technology, socio-culture of community, and cooperation with health service providers. On the other hand, threats consisted of economy condition, demands of society, competitors’ ability, and marketing intermediaries. The results of IFAS and EFAS showed that scores of strength was 2.8, weakness was 2.51, opportunity was 3.21, and threat was 3.3. The marketing position of the hospital was in Quadrant II. Therefore, the recommended strategy for situation of ST (Strength-Threat) was a strategy of diversification. As a conclusion, the hospital has great strength but it faces threat. As a suggestion, cooperation with health insurance companies needs to be improved by providing facilities, adding types of services which have not been reached by a competitor, and improving the interest of marketing intermediary companies in creating cooperation by increasing number and services quality. Key Words : Internal and External Factors, SWOT, a Marketing Strategy Bibliography : 41 (1995-2013)

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health
ID Code:42982
Deposited On:24 Apr 2014 10:55
Last Modified:22 May 2014 09:32

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