Pengembangan Model Program KB Metode Medis Operasi Pria (MOP) di Kabupaten Bangkalan Madura 2013

Lailiyah, Siti Rochimatul and Purnami, Cahya Tri and Widjanarko, Bagoes (2014) Pengembangan Model Program KB Metode Medis Operasi Pria (MOP) di Kabupaten Bangkalan Madura 2013. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO.

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Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan Minat Manajemen Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2014 ABSTRAK Siti Rochimatul Lailiyah Pengembangan Model Program KB Metode Medis Operasi Pria (MOP) di Kabupaten Bangkalan Madura 2013 xviii + 236 halaman + 9 tabel + 16 gambar + 5 lampiran KB MOP di Kabupaten Bangkalan masih merupakan tantangan yang berat. Salah satu indikatornya adalah pencapaian MOP hanya 0,02% dari seluruh penggunaan alat kontrasepsi, sedangkan target nasional adalah 0,3% pada tahun 2014. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan tapi belum dapat meningkatkan kesertaan KB MOP di Kabupaten Bangkalan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model program MOP berdasarkan faktor eksternal dan internal organisasi melalui analisis SWOT . Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan studi kasus pada program KB MOP yang dilakukan di Badan PPKB Kabupaten Bangkalan. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, triangulasi, observasi dan penulusuran literatur dan dokumen. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengelolah program KB di Kabupaten, PLKB (Petugas Lapangan Keluarga Berecana)/UPT (Unit Pelaksana teknis), PUS (Pasangan Usia Subur), TOMA (Tokoh Masyarakat) , TOGA (Tokoh Agama), dan bidan bidan Puskesmas. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan analisis isi (content analysis). Faktor eksternal yang meliputi kebutuhan dan image program MOP di masyarakat, serta karakteristik peserta MOP, dan faktor internal terdiri dari sumber daya manusia, pendanaan operasional, sarana dan prasarana, peran TOMA dan TOGA, peran akseptor sebagai akses informasi, upaya advokasi, kebijakan serta komitmen pemerintah daerah yang kemudian ditelaah dan dianalisis SWOT untuk mengetahui peluang, tantangan, kekuatan dan kelemahan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan permasalahan yang paling krusial untuk diupayakan adalah memperbaiki image dan meningkatkan demand KB MOP melalui model “Penguatan Sistem Promosi dan Sosialisasi KB MOP di Kabupaten Bangkalan” yang berupa alur pikir dalam melakukan promosi dan sosialisasi mulai dari input-process-output-outcome hingga impact yang dinyatakan dalam sebuah bagan. Direkomendasikan untuk Badan PPKB melaksanakan model tersebut dan bagi peneliti berikutnya diharapkan dapat meneliti proses sosialisasi, penerapan, dan keberhasilan model atau lebih menyempurnakan model yang telah ada. Kata kunci : Pengembangan Model KB MOP, Program KB, Medis Operasi Pria (MOP), Sosialisasi, Promosi Daftar Pustaka : 80 (1986-2012) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Health Policy Administration Sub Majoring in Maternal and Child Health Management 2014 ABSTRACT Siti Rochimatul Lailiyah Model Development of Family Planning Program of Vasectomy Method in District of Bangkalan in Madura 2013 xviii + 236 pages + 9 tables + 16 figures + 5 enclosures Vasectomy remains a formidable challenge in District of Bangkalan. Coverage of vasectomy was only 0.02% of the total contraception use whereas the national target was 0.3% in 2014. Some efforts that had been done could not increase number of vasectomy participation in Bangkalan District. This research aimed to develop model of vasectomy program based on factors of external and internal organization using SWOT analysis. This was qualitative research using a case study on the Family Planning (FP) program of vasectomy at the Body of Women Empowerment and Family Planning (WEFP) in Bangkalan District. Data were collected using the methods of indepth interview, triangulation, observation, and literature review. Informants were the implementers of the FP program, FP Community Worker/Program Implementation Unit, fertile couples, community leaders, a religious leaders, and midwives of health centers. Furthermore, data were analyzed using content analysis. External factors encompassed necessity and image of vasectomy program at a society and characteristics of vasectomy acceptors. Otherwise, internal factors consisted of human resources, operational funding, means, roles of community and religious leaders, roles of acceptors as a source of information, advocacy efforts, policy, and local government’ commitments. Furthermore, these factors were reviewed and analyzed using SWOT to identify opportunity, threat, strength, and weakness. As the result, the important efforts that needed to do were improving image and increasing demand of vasectomy through the model of “Strengthening of Promotion System and Socialization of vasectomy in District of Bangkalan” starting from input-process-output-outcome to impact in a form of a scheme. As a suggestion, the body of WEFP needs to implement the model and other researchers need to investigate the process of socialization, implementation, and the success of the model or to modify the current model. Key Words : Model Development of Vasectomy, FP Program, Vasectomy, Socialization, Promotion Bibliography : 80 (1986-2012)

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health
ID Code:42970
Deposited On:24 Apr 2014 09:25
Last Modified:19 May 2014 15:38

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