MURIYANTO, KELIK (2007) HUBUNGAN KARAKTERISTIK AKSEPTOR DAN FASILITAS PELAYANAN KB DENGAN PEMILIHAN METODE KONTRASEPSI (Studi pada masyarakat Etnis Dayak Desa Sabau Kecamatan Samalantan Kabupaten Bengkayang Kalimantan Barat) THE CORRELATION BETWEEN ACCEPTOR CHARACTERISTICS AND FACILITY SERVICE OF FAMILY PLANNING WITH THE CHOOSING OF CONTRACEPTION METHOD (Study at Dayak Society in Sabau Village,Sub District of Samalantan ,District of Bengkayang,West Kalimantan). Undergraduate thesis, Diponegoro University.
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Pelaksanaan Program Keluarga Berencana pedesaan merupakan kunci keberhasilan program KB Nasional yang didukung oleh keberadaan petugas KB di lapangan. Berdasarkan jangka waktu pemakaian, metode kontrasepsi dibedakan menjadi Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang (MKJP) dan jangka pendek (Non MKJP).Pemilihan metode kontrasepsi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain karakteristik akseptor dan fasilitas pelayanan KB yang tersedia. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik akseptor dan fasilitas pelayanan KB dengan pemilihan metode kontrasepsi. Jenis penelitian survei analitik dan rancangan penelitian cross sectional. sampel adalah PUS yang menjadi akseptor KB di Desa Sabau Kecamatan Samalantan. Metode pengambilan sampel dengan simple random sampling. Pengambilan data menggunakan metode wawancara terstruktur dengan kuesioner. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik chi-square. Hasil penelitian sebagian besar akseptor berumur 20-30 tahun (51,8%), mempunayi anak >3orang (58,9%), sebagai petani sawah (71,4%), tidak tamat SD (26,8%), pendapatan diatas UMK (60,7%), pengetahuan sedang (53,6%), ketersediaan alat kontrasepsi cukup (87,5%), jarak cukup mendukung (60,7%), pelayanan petugas KB cukup (80,4%) pelayanan KIE dan Konseling KB cukup (51,8%). Hasil uji statistik chi square ada hubungan umur, jenis pekerjaan, ketersediaan alat kontrasepsi dan pelayanan petugas dengan pemilihan metode kontrasepsi. Tidak ada hubungan jumlah anak, tingkat pendidikan, tingkat pendapatan, pengetahuan, jarak tempat pelayanan KB serta pelayanan KIE dan konseling KB dengan pemilihan metode kontrasepsi. Disarankan pemberian penyuluhan tentang KB dan metode kontrasepsi, penambahan alat kontrasepsi subsidi pemerintah, perbaikan sarana dan prasarana transportasi serta peningkatan pelayanan KB kepada masyarakat. Implementation of family planning program in rural area was efficacy key of National family planning program which supported by existence of family planning officers in field. According to usage duration, contraception method differentiated become long term contraception method and short term contraception metod. The choosing of contraception method influenced by some factors for example acceptor characteristik and available family planning facility service. Intention of research was to know the correlation between acceptor characteristic and family planning facility service with cross sectional design. The sample was fertile age couple (PUS) becoming family planning acceptor in Sabau Village, sub district of Samalantan. Method of samples intake with simple random sampling. Data intake from structured interview by questionnaire. Data analysis using chi square statistical test. Result of research indicates that most of acceptor have aged 20-30 years (51,8%), having >3 childrens (58,9%), as farmer (71,4%), unfinishing elementary school (26,8%), have earnings more than minimum wage of district (60,7%), sufficient knowledge (53,6%)sufficient supplay of family planning contraception (87,5%)distance sufficiently supported (60,7%) service of family planning officer is sufficient(80,4%)service of KIE and family planing counseling is sufficient (51,8%). Result of chi square statistical indicates there is a correlation between age, job type, availability of family planning contraception tools and service of officers with choosing of contraception method. There no a correlation between amount of children, education level, earnings level, knowledge, distance of service location and service of KIE and family planning counseling with choosing of contraception method. it is suggested to giving counseling or information about family planning and contraception method, addition of governmental subsidy of contraception, repairing of transportation facilities as well as improving service of family planning to society. Kata Kunci: Fasilitas Pelayanan, KB, Metode Kontrasepsi Facility Service,Family Planning,Contraception Method
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 4129 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 18 Jan 2010 11:48 |
Last Modified: | 18 Jan 2010 11:48 |
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