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Sistem peradilan pidana hingga saat ini masih merupakan instrumen penanggulangan kejahatan dan perlindungan hak asasi manusia yang sangat penting. Namun demikian di dalam prakteknya terjadi ketimpangan perlakuan terhadap pelaku tindak pidana dan korban kejahatan. Hak-hak dan kepentingan korban banyak terabaikan dibandingkan hak-hak pelaku tindak pidana. Oleh karena itu dipandang perlu perubahan kebijakan perihal orientasi hukum dan sistem peradilan pidana dengan mengakomodasi pemberian maaf sebagai bagian dari proses penyelesaian secara menyeluruh perkara pidana. Sehubungan dengan perlunya perubahan kebijakan dalam sistem peradilan pidana, diperlukan studi untuk mengkaji (1) bagaimanakah keberadaan pemberian maaf dalam praktik penyelesaian perkara pidana di Indonesia?; (2) bagaimanakah konsistensi pemberian maaf terhadap falsafah Pancasila dan humanisme universal serta kecenderungan internasional di bidang hukum dan sistem peradilan pidana?; (3) bagaimanakah model kebijakan legislatif di bidang sistem peradilan pidana yang dapat mengakomodasi pemberian maaf? Studi ini bertujuan (1) mendeskripsikan praktik pemberian maaf dalam proses penyelesaian perkara pidana di Indonesia; (2) menganalisis apakah pemberian maaf memiliki kesesuaian dengan nilai-nilai falsafah Pancasila serta humanisme universal dan kecenderungan internasional di bidang sistem peradilan pidana; (3) merumuskan model kebijakan legislatif yang mengakomodasi pemberian maaf dalam penyelesaian perkara pidana. Studi ini merupakan kajian sosio-legal, menggunakan paradigma definisi sosial dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Setting sosial studi adalah provinsi Bali, Jawa Tengah dan Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Bahan studi meliputi putusan pengadilan, rancangan undang-undang, dokumen, literatur, dan pandangan masyarakat. Wawancara dilakukan untuk mengetahui motif dan makna tindakan warga masyarakat melakukan perdamaian dalam penyelesaian perkara pidana. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknis analisis data kualitatif. Kesimpulan ditarik berdasarkan alur berpikir induksi-interpretasi-konseptualisasi. Hasil studi menunjukkan: (1) Pemberian maaf merupakan elemen utama dari pola penyelesaian perkara pidana yang banyak digunakan dalam berbagai masyarakat serta telah banyak diakomodasi di dalam putusan pengadilan. (2) Pemberian maaf di dalam penyelesaian perkara pidana sejalan dengan nilai-nilai falsafah Pancasila, nilai-nilai humanisme universal, serta kecenderungan global perkembangan hukum dan sistem peradilan pidana. (3) Pemberian maaf perlu diakomodasi di dalam kebijakan legislatif hukum pidana Indonesia. Bertitik tolak dari hasil studi, direkomendasikan bahwa untuk meningkatkan kualitas keadilan dalam penyelesaian perkara pidana, sistem peradilan pidana Indonesia perlu mengakomodasi pemberian maaf dalam proses penyelesaian perkara pidana, baik pada level normatif sistem peradilan pidana, maupun dalam proses peradilan pidana khususnya pada perkara-perkara pidana yang bersifat semi privat. Kata kunci: kebijakan legislatif hukum pidana, peradilan restoratif, pemberian maaf Criminal justice system has been an essential instrument on crime combating and human rights protection in modern state. Unfortunately, the exercising of criminal justice system show imbalance in protecting the rights of the criminal and the rights of the victims. The rights and the needs of the victim has been ignored for along time much more than the rights and the needs of the offender. The imbalanced attention likely has correlation with the orientation of the criminal justice system which has its focus on crime and the offender. For this reason, here is proposed the reform on criminal justice system orientation by offering the application of forgiveness giving as a part of comprehensive case resettlement among the criminal and the victim. This study concern on: (1) how is the existence of the forgiveness giving in the practice of the settlement of the criminal case in Indonesia?; (2) how is the consistence of forgiveness giving against the Pancasila philosophy and universal humanism and global trends on criminal law and criminal justice system?; (3) how is the model of legislative policy formulation in criminal justice system which likely to accommodate the forgiveness giving? The goals are: (1) to identify and to describe the practice of giving forgiveness in the process of criminal case settlement in Indonesia; (2) to analyze whether the forgiveness giving is so far in line with the basic values of Pancasila philosophy and universal humanism and global trends on criminal law and criminal justice system; (3) to formulate the legislative policy which may accommodate the forgiveness giving that feasibly exercised empirically. The type the study is socio-legal, based on social definition paradigm, and using the phenomenology approach. The social setting of the study are Bali province, Central Java province and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province. Research materials contains secondary law materials such as criminal case judge decision, Act drafts, document, literature and community insight. Interview is done to understand the motives and meaning which are likely present beyond the people action on performing the peace resolution during the effort to resolve the criminal case they faced. Data analyze done by using the qualitative type of data analyze technique. Conclusion is drawn through inductive-interpretative-conceptualization. The results show that (1) Forgiveness giving is the mayor element of case settlement pattern which contains familiar sense, with orientation to perform peace among the offender and the crime victim, commonly used in various societies. (2) Forgiveness giving is obviously consistent toward the values of Pancasila philosophy, universal humanism, and the global trends on criminal justice system. (3) Forgiveness giving is reasonable to be accommodated in legislative policy on Indonesian criminal law system. Due to the results, the study recommend that to enhance the quality of criminal justice system, it is urgent that Indonesian criminal justice system reform need to accommodate the forgiveness giving in criminal case settlement, either in normative system or in practice of criminal justice system. Key words: legislative policy on criminal law, restorative justice, forgiveness giving
Item Type: | Thesis (PhD) |
Subjects: | K Law > KZ Law of Nations |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Doctor Program in Law |
ID Code: | 40883 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 03 Dec 2013 09:19 |
Last Modified: | 03 Dec 2013 09:19 |
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