KONSTRUKSI HUKUM DAN RESPON MASYARAKAT TERHADAP SERTIFIKASI PRODUK HALAL (Studi Socio-Legal terhadap Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obat-Obatan dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia)

MASHUDI, MASHUDI (2011) KONSTRUKSI HUKUM DAN RESPON MASYARAKAT TERHADAP SERTIFIKASI PRODUK HALAL (Studi Socio-Legal terhadap Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obat-Obatan dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia). PhD thesis, Program Pascasarjana Undip.



Fokus disertasi ini adalah konstruksi hukum dan respon masyarakat terhadap sertifikasi produk halal merupakan studi socio-legal terhadap peran lembaga pengkajian pangan, obat-obatan dan kosmetika majelis ulama Indonesia dalam kaitannya dengan penerbitan sertifikat produk halal, sehingga permasalahan yang dikaji meliputi : 1) Betulkah respon masyarakat terhadap sertifikasi produk halal yang dilakukan LP POM MUI rendah, mengapa ? 2) Bagaimanakah upaya hukum ideal bagi LP POM MUI mengenai respon masyarakat terhadap sertifikasi produk halal ? 3) Bagaimanakah konstruksi hukum yang tepat mengenai sertifikasi produk halal dalam kancah hukum nasional ? Teori yang digunakan untuk menjawab permasalahan disertasi meliputi, the Double Movement theory, The Behavior of Law theory, Responsive Law theory, Structural Fungsionalism theory , Progresif law theory, Critical Theory, dan Conflict Theory sebagai dasar analisis yang digunakan secara simultan, serta paradigma konstruktivisme untuk membangun konsep hukum bagi pengaturan sertifikasi produk halal di Indonesia. Penggalian data dilakukan di LP POM MUI di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur dengan menggunakan teknik penelusuran kepustakaan dan dokumen lainnya, serta wawancara bebas yang selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan pembahasan, dapat disimpulkan: 1. Betul, respon produsen dan konsumen terhadap sertifikasi produk halal rendah/negatif. Faktor penyebab rendahnya respon produsen adalah, peraturan yang tidak memberi kepastian, pengutamaan bisnis, dan kurangnya pengawasan. Faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya respon konsumen adalah, keyakinan agama, rendahnya kemampuan ekonomi, budaya dan geografis, serta adanya kesenjangan antara kognitif, afektif, dan konatif yang menimbulkan adanya sikap prediposisi (mudah terpengaruh) dan pura-pura (pseudo respons) responden. Kesenjangan ini mengakibatkan pelaku usaha memasang logo halal tanpa dasar sertifikat halal. 2) Upaya hukum ideal LP POM MUI terhadap respon masyarakat adalah, melakukan kajian secara integral dan holistik terhadap sumber hukum Islam material, yaitu Quran, Hadits dan ijtihad serta mengharmoniskannya dengan sumber hukum formal UUD 1945, terutama Pasal 29 dan Pasal 33, UU Pangan, UU Perlindungan Konsumen dan UU Kesehatan, dan memperhatikan the living law, faktor historis, filosofis, teoretis, yuridis dan praktis politis serta law enforcement untuk memperkuat konsep hukum pengaturan sertifikasi produk halal atas dasar prinsip safety food, zero dock, zero risk, dan zero limit atau prinsip halalan thoyyibah. 3) Konstruksi hukum sertifikasi produk halal ideal dibangun atas dasar asas kepastian, keadilan, dan kemanfaatan dengan mengutamakan pada asas kepastian hukum, serta menempatkan ulama sebagai pemegang otoritas yang berwenang menetapkan kehalalan suatu produk, agar cara hidup halal yang semula bersifat voluntary memperoleh penguatan oleh peraturan menjadi mandatory . Kata kunci: Konstruksi hukum, Respon masyarakat, Produk halal, Sertifikasi, Sertifikasi produk halal The focus of this dissertation is the construction of law and public response to the certification of halal products is a socio-legal studies on the role of assessment of food, medicine and cosmetics assembly Indonesian cleric in connection with the issuance of Lawful (halal) certificates, so that the problem under study include: 1) Is it true response community towards certification of halal products by LP POM MUI low, why? 2) How is the ideal remedy for the LP POM MUI on public response to the certification of halal products? 3) What is the proper legal construction of the certification of halal products in the arena of national law? The theory used to answer the problem of the dissertation covers, the Double Movement theory, The Behavior of Law theory, theory Responsive Law, Structural Functionalism theory, Progressive law theory, Critical Theory, and Conflict Theory as the basis of analysis used simultaneously, and the paradigm of constructivism to build the concept of law for regulating the certification of halal products in Indonesia. Data mining done in the LP POM MUI in the provinces of DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java and East Java by using literature searches and other documents, as well as free interviews analyzed qualitatively. Based on the discussion, it can be concluded: 1. True, the response of producers and consumers of halal certification low / negative. Factors causing the low response of producers is, regulations that do not provide certainty, business preference, and lack of supervision. Factors that cause low consumer response is, religious beliefs, low economic capacity, cultural and geographic, as well as the gap between the cognitive, affective, and conative attitudes which gave rise to prediposisi (easily influenced) and pretend to be (pseudo-response) of respondents. These gaps result in business without a foundation set up halal logo halal certificate. 2) Efforts LP POM MUI ideal law against public response is, do the integral and holistic assessment of the material source of Islamic law, namely the Quran, Hadith and ijtihad and must be harmonized with formal legal sources of the 1945 Constitution, especially Article 29 and Article 33, Law of Food, Act on Consumer Protection and Health Act, and pay attention to the living law, historical factors, philosophical, theoretical, juridical and practical political and law enforcement to strengthen the legal concept of halal certification arrangements on the basis of the principles of food safety, dock zero, zero risk, and zero limit or principle halalan thoyyiba. 3) Construction of an ideal legal certification of halal products are built on the basis of the principle of certainty, justice, and expediency with an emphasis on the principle of legal certainty, as well as placing scholars as the holder of the authority that is authorized to determine a product is halal, kosher way of life for voluntary originally obtained by strengthening regulation become mandatory. Keywords : Construction law, the response of the community, kosher products, certification, certification of halal products

Item Type:Thesis (PhD)
Subjects:K Law > KZ Law of Nations
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Doctor Program in Law
ID Code:40820
Deposited On:28 Nov 2013 13:56
Last Modified:28 Nov 2013 13:56

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