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Pelaksanaan konsep kebebasan berserikat melalui serikat pekerja dihadapkan pada fenomena kecenderungan ekonomi global yang liberal kapitalistik yang antara lain ditandai dengan hubungan industrial yang bersifat konflik. Asumsi adanya penyimpangan antara konsep kebebasan berserikat melalui serikat pekerja dengan pelaksanaannya pada bidang ini, mendorong penulis untuk mengungkap latar belakangnya dan melakukan rekonstruksi konsep kebebasan berserikat melalui serikat pekerja. Konstruksi tersebut dilakukan berbasis nilai keadilan sosial sehingga tercipta hubungan integralistik antara pekerja dan pengusaha serta negara. Ada tiga permasalahan yang diajukan dalam disertasi ini, yaitu: (1) Mengapa pelaksanaan konsep kebebasan berserikat melalui serikat pekerja sebagaimana diatur dalam UU No. 21 Tahun 2000 Tentang Serikat Pekerja/Serikat Buruh belum mampu menciptakan hubungan industrial yang harmonis (industrial peace) dan menciptakan kesejahteraan pekerja?, (2) Bagaimana dampak pelaksanaan konsep kebebasan berserikat melalui serikat pekerja pada hubungan industrial yang bersifat kapitalistik terhadap kesejahteraan pekerja?, dan (3) Bagaimana rekonstruksi konsep kebebasan berserikat melalui serikat pekerja berbasis nilai keadilan yang mampu menciptakan hubungan industrial yang harmonis (industrial peace) dan menciptakan kesejahteraan pekerja?. Untuk menjawab ketiga permasalahan tersebut digunakan tradisi kualitatif dengan paradigma konstruktivisme. Penelusuran data mengikuti alur penelitian hermeneutik dan fenomenologis.Teori mikro dipakai untuk menjelaskan fenomena temuan penelitian. Teori tersebut adalah Teori Hukum Progresif dan Teori Interaksionalis Simbolik, Teori Budaya Hukum. Teori Bekerjanya Hukum, Kebijakan Publik, Sibernetika digunakan dalam disertasi ini untuk menganalisis fenomena makro. Tujuan akhir studi ini adalah konstruksi baru konsep kebebasan berserikat melalui serikat pekerja. Studi ini menyimpulkan pertama, pelaksanaan konsep kebebasan berserikat melalui serikat pekerja belum mampu menciptakan hubungan industrial yang harmonis (industrial peace) dan menciptakan kesejahteraan pekerja karena: konstruksi konsep kebebasan hak berserikat di Indonesia bersifat kapitalistik. Kedua, pelaksanaan konsep kebebasan berserikat melalui serikat pekerja yang bersifat kapitalistik terbukti berdampak pada: (1) tingginya angka mogok kerja, (2) banyaknya perselisihan hubungan industrial antara pengusaha dengan pekerja dan (3) menurunnya produktivitas kerja perusahaan serta (4) menurunkan bergaining power pekerja dengan pengusaha. Ketiga, rekonstruksi konsep kebebasan berserikat melalui serikat pekerja dapat dibentuk melalui proses dialektis teori prismatik dari Fred W. Riggs dan konsep negara integralistik Soepomo. Dialektika antara konsep kebebasan berserikat kapitalistik dan kebebasan berserikat sosialis, dibentuk konstruksi baru konsep kebebasan berserikat ”prismatik integralistik”. Atas dasar kesimpulan ini berimplikasi pada Perubahan paradigma dalam kebebasan berserikat melalui serikat pekerja. Kata Kunci : Rekonstruksi, Konsep, Kebebasan Berserikat, Keadilan Sosial, Hubungan industrial, Kesejahteraan pekerja. The implementation of the concept on freedom of rights for association of trade union is facing the phenomenon of liberal capitalistic global economic trends characterized by conflicting industrial relations. The assumption of the existence of the violation between the concept on freedom of rights for association in trade unions and its practice in this field, encourages the writer to reveal its background and propose a new construction of the concept on freedom of rights for association in trade unions. The reconstruction is based on social justice values that can create intergralistic relations among labors, entrepreneurs, and the government. There are three problems proposed in this research, i.e. (1) Why the implementation of the concept on freedom for association in trade unions as stated in Undang-Undang No. 21 of 2000 on Labor Union / Trade Union has not been able to create harmonious industrial relations and the workers’ welfare?, (2) What are the impacts of the implementation of the concept on freedom for association in trade unions to industrial relations which is capitalistic to the workers’ welfare?, and (3) How the new concept construction on freedom for association in the trade unions, which is based on justice values can create industrial relations and workers’ welfare?. To answer these three problems, the writer used qualitative analysis with constructivism paradigm. To search the data, hermeneutic and phenomenological procedures are conducted. Micro theories are used to elaborate the phenomena found in the research. The theories are Progressive Law Theory and Symbolic Interactional Theory, and Law Culture Theory. Theory of Law Implementation, Public Policy, and Cybernetics are used in this dissertation to analyze the macro phenomena. The end objective of this study is to construct a new concept on freedom of rights for association in trade unions. This study draws some conclusions as follows. First, the implementation of concept on freedom for association in trade unions has not been able to create harmonious industrial relations and workers’ welfare since the construction of the concept on freedom for association in Indonesia is capitalistic. Second, the implementation of the concept on freedom for association in trade unions, which is capitalistic, affects the following: (1) the high rates on labor strike, (2) the increasing number of disputes on industrial relations between the entrepreneurs and the workers, (3) the decreasing of the productivity of the company, and (4) the lowering of the bargaining power of the workers to the entrepreneurs. Third, the new construction of the concept on freedom for association in trade unions can be built through dialectical process of prismatic theory of Fred W. Riggs and the concept on integralistic nations by Soepomo. The dialectica between the concept on freedom for association which is capitalistic and the concept on freedom for association which is socialist builds a new concept on freedom for association called “integralistic prismatics”. Based on the conclusion, it implies that the study shows a paradigm shift in freedom for association in trade unions. Keywords : Reconstruction, Concept, Freedom for Association, Social Justice, Industrial Relations, Workers’ Welfare.
Item Type: | Thesis (PhD) |
Subjects: | K Law > KZ Law of Nations |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Doctor Program in Law |
ID Code: | 40817 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 28 Nov 2013 11:53 |
Last Modified: | 28 Nov 2013 11:53 |
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