Lusiana, Indira Isni (2012) MEDIA RELATIONS DAN KEPUASAN WARTAWAN ATAS LAYANAN KEHUMASAN DI KABUPATEN BREBES. Masters thesis, Master Program in Communication Science.

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Media relations sebagai suatu kegiatan khusus dari pihak PR untuk melakukan komunikasi penyampaian pesan, atau informasi tertentu mengenai aktivitas yang bersifat kelembagaan, perusahaan/institusi, produk dan hingga kegiatan bersifat individual lainnya yang perlu dipublikasikan melalui kerjasama dengan pihak pers/media massa untuk menciptakan publisitas dan citra positif. Dalam berhubungan dengan media massa seorang petugas humas perlu bekerja secara profesional, memiliki kredibilitas, dan kemampuan menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan wartawan dan medianya. Hasil pra riset penulis menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan wartawan di Kabupaten Brebes rata- rata menunjukkan angka 6,54. Padahal bila dibandingkan dengan banyaknya jumlah wartawan yang beroperasi dan SDM petugas humas yang melayani, mestinya rata – rata angka kepuasan lebih tinggi dari angka hasil pra riset. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh petugas humas dalam kegiatan media relations yang terdiri dari variabel kredibilitas, profesionalisme dan hubungan interpersonal petugas humas – wartawan terhadap kepuasan wartawan akan layanan kehumasan. Salah satu teori yang menjelaskan mengenai humas, yaitu Model Pertukaran Sosial. Model ini memandang hubungan interpersonal sebagai suatu transaksi dagang. Orang berhubungan dengan orang lain karena mengharapkan sesuatu untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Hal ini menggambarkan hubungan antara petugas humas dan wartawan dimana petugas humas mengaharapkan pemberitaan yang sering dan postif sementara wartawan mengarapkan kepuasan akan layanan kehumasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian ekspanatori (explanatory research) yaitu penelitian yang menyoroti hubungan antara variable – variable penelitian dan menguji hipotesis yang telah dirimuskan. Adapun hipotesis dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh kredibilitas, profesionalisme, tingkat hubungan interpersonal petugas humas dan wartawan terhadap kepuasan wartawan. Hipotesis akan diuji dengan alat uji statistik Regresi menggunakan software SPSS 16.00. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai Koefisien Determinasi (R2) yang menunjukkan besarnya pengaruh kredibilitas petugas humas, profesinonalisme petugas humas, tingkat hubungan interpersonal antara petugas humas dan wartawan terhadap kepuasan wartawan akan layanan kehumasan sebesar 81,1%. Adapun masing – masing variabel memberikan kontribusi pengaruh yang ditunjukkan oleh koefisien regresi terstandar (beta) dimana besarnya pengaruh kredibilitas petugas humas terhadap kepuasan wartawan akan layanan kehumasan sebesar 35,7%, Petugas humas harus memiliki kredibilitas yang tinggi agar mendapatkan persepsi yang kuat dari wartawan sehingga dapat meyakinkan wartawan akan informasi yang disampaikannya. Besarnya pengaruh profesinonalisme petugas humas terhadap kepuasan wartawan akan layanan kehumasan sebesar 34,8%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa etika masih merupakan hal yang relevan dalam kehidupan nyata. Dan besarnya pengaruh tingkat hubungan interpersonal antara petugas humas dan wartawan terhadap kepuasan wartawan akan layanan kehumasan sebesar 28,8%. Hubungan interpersonal antara petugas dan wartawan biasanya terjadi karena tingginya intensitas komunikasi. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepuasan wartawan banyak dipengaruhi oleh kredibilitas petugas humas, profesinonalisme petugas humas, tingkat hubungan interpersonal antara petugas humas dan wartawan. Penelitian ini antara lain merekomendasikan agar Bagian Humas Setda Kabupaten Brebes mengintensifkan pelatihan maupun workshop untuk meningkatkan kompetensi petugas humas dan implementasi Keputusan Menteri Komunikasi Dan Informatika Nomor : 371/Kep/M.Kominfo/8/2007 tentang Kode Etik Humas Pemerintahan sebagai upaya pewujudan profesionalisme petugas humas. Kata-kata Kunci: Media Relations, petugas humas, kepuasan wartawan Media relations as a specific activity of the PR to communicate messages, or specific information about the activities that are institutional, corporate / institutional, product and other individual to activities that need to be published in cooperation with the press / media to create publicity and positive image. Therefore, a public relations practitioner must be able to establish good relations with the mass media for smooth performance. In dealing with a mass media public relations officer to work in a professional, credible, and ability to establish good relationships with journalists and the media. The results of the author’s pre research showed that the level of satisfaction in Brebes journalists on average showed a 6.54. Yet when compared with the large number of journalists and human resource operations that serve as the public relations officer, it should mean - average satisfaction rate is higher than the pre-research result. This study aims to determine the extent of the influence of public relations officers role in media relations activity that consists of variable credibility, professionalism and interpersonal relations between public relations officers and journalists - to the journalists satisfaction upon public relations services. One theory that explains the PR,is the Social Exchange Model. This model looked at interpersonal relationships as a commercial transaction. People relate to other people because they expect something to satisfy their needs. This illustrates the relationship between journalists and public relations officer which is the public relations officer expect frequent and positive coverage while journalists expect satisfaction trough public relations services. This study uses explanatory research. A research that highlights the relationship between the variables and test hypotheses that have been defined. The hypothesis of this study is that there is the influence of credibility, professionalism, and level of interpersonal relations between public relations officers and journalists to the satisfaction of journalists upon public relations services . Hypothesis will be tested using SPSS software version 16.00. The results showed the value of coefficient of determination (R2) which shows the magnitude of the effect the credibility of public relations officers, public relations officer professionalism, the level of interpersonal relationships between journalists and public relations officer to the journalists satisfaction upon public relations services is 81.1%.As for the individual - each variable contributes to the effect shown by the standardized regression coefficients (beta) where the magnitude of the effect the credibility of public relations officer to the journalists satisfaction upon public relations services is 35.7%, public relations officer should have high credibility in order to get a strong perception of journalists so will be able to convince reporters that it conveys information. The magnitude of the effect profesionalism public relations officer to the journalists satisfaction upon public relations services 34.8%. This shows that ethics still is relevant in real life. And the magnitude of the influence of the interpersonal relationship between public relations officers and journalists to the journalists satisfaction upon public relations services 28.8%. Interpersonal relationships between officers and reporters usually occurs because of the high intensity of communication. It can be concluded that journalists satisfaction is heavily influenced by the credibility of public relations officer, the professionalism of public relations officers, and the interpersonal relationship between public relations officers and journalists. This study recommended that The PR Departement of Brebes Secretariat Regency should intensify the training or workshop to improve the competence of public relations officers as well as the implementation of decisions of the Minister of Communications and information Number: 371/Kep/m. Kominfo/8/2007 on the code of conduct of public relations of Government in order to incrase their profesionalism. The key words: media relations, public relations officer, journalist satisfaction

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Communication Science
ID Code:40674
Deposited On:25 Nov 2013 19:29
Last Modified:18 Dec 2015 17:28

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