SAMINA, - (2013) Efektivitas Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Domestik di Kota Cirebon Terhadap Penurunan Pencemaran Organik dan E-Coli. Masters thesis, Program Magister Ilmu Lingkungan.
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ABSTRAK Di Kota Cirebon, air limbah domestik dari rumah tangga dan perkantoran dialirkan melalui sistem perpipaan ke empat lokasi instalasi pengolahan air limbah (IPAL). Kondisi keempat IPAL terlihat kurang terawat dan operasional pompa tidak kontinu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas IPAL secara keseluruhan maupun pada masing-masing unit dan kendala yang dihadapi. Ruang lingkup penelitian efektivitas IPAL meliputi pengoperasian dan kualitas air di inlet dan outlet dari IPAL. Penelitian ini dibatasi pada 2 (dua) IPAL; yaitu: IPAL Kesenden dan IPAL Perumnas Selatan. Pemeriksaan kualitas air terbatas pada parameter BOD, COD, dan Bakteri E-coli. Alat yang digunakan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kualitas air menggunakan alat yang ada pada laboratorium pemeriksa, dan pemeriksaannya dilakukan oleh petugas laboratorium. Data dianalisis dengan cara analisis perbandingan antara kualitas air sebelum diolah dan setelah diolah pada masing-masing unit, sedangkan air setelah pengolahan dibandingkan dengan baku mutu air limbah kelas III. Sistem pengolahan pada IPAL Kesenden dan IPAL Perumnas Selatan menggunakan sistem pengolahan kolam oksidasi yang terdiri dari kolam anaerobik, kolam fakultatif, dan kolam maturasi. Dari hasil penelitian, pembahasan dan analisis, serta merujuk pada tujuan penelitian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) telah terjadi pendangkalan di kedua IPAL, (2) masih ada kapasitas tidak terpakai (idle capacity), (3) konsentrasi BOD baik secara total maupun tiap waktu perlakuan mengalami penurunan yang sangat signifikan tetapi masih sedikit di atas ambang batas, (4) konsentrasi COD baik secara total maupun tiap waktu perlakuan mengalami penurunan yang sangat signifikan dan sudah di bawah ambang batas, (5) efektivitas penurunan BOD dan COD baik pada setiap kolam maupun secara keseluruhan cukup tinggi, (6) efektivitas pengolahan secara keseluruhan terhadap seluruh parameter pada IPAL Perumnas Selatan lebih tinggi dari pada IPAL Kesenden, dan (7) operasional kedua IPAL belum optimal yang disebabkan oleh adanya beberapa pompa yang rusak dan tidak berfungsi, kurangnya pengamanan terhadap IPAL, dan masih sedikitnya pelanggan/sambungan air limbah rumah tangga. Optimalisasi kedua IPAL tersebut direkomendasikan dilakukan pengerukan dasar kolam secara berkala, peningkatan jumlah pelanggan air limbah rumah tangga dengan promosi kesehatan dan penambahan saluran air limbah yang memadahi, melakukan pengamanan lokasi IPAL, pembersihan eceng gondok, penanganan kolam yang bocor, meningkatkan kualitas operasional IPAL oleh instansi pengelola dan SKPD terkait, dan meningkatkan anggaran pada pengelolaan air limbah secara umum di Kota Cirebon. Kata Kunci : Efektivitas IPAL, air limbah domestik, BOD, COD, E-coli ABSTRACT Domestic wastewater from households and offices in the city of Cirebon are flowed through the piping system to the four locations of wastewater treatment plants (IPAL). The conditions of each IPAL looked neglected and pump operation is not continuous. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the IPAL in whole and each unit and the encountered obstacles. The scope of research includes the effectiveness of the IPAL, the operation and the quality of inlet and outlet water of the IPAL. The research was limited to 2 (two) IPALs, i.e the IPAL of Kesenden and the IPAL of Perumnas Selatan. The research was limited to the examination of water quality parameters of BOD, COD, and E-coli bacteria. The instrument for conducting water quality control used the existing tools in the laboratory examiners, and the examination was conducted by the laboratory personnel. The data were analyzed by calculating the ratio between before and after processed water quality in each unit, while the after treatment water was compared with standard of Class III wastewater quality. Processing system at the IPAL of Kesenden and the IPAL of Perumnas Selatan used oxidation pond treatment system consisting of anaerobik, facultative, and maturation ponds. Based on the results of research, discussion and analysis as well as referring to the purpose of the study, it is concluded that (1) there has been silting in both IPALs, (2) there is still unused capacity (idle capacity), (3) BOD concentrations of both total and each treatment time has decreased significantly, but still slightly above the threshold, (4) consentration of COD either totally or per treatment also results in a significant decline and is below the upper threshold, (5) BOD and COD reduction effectiveness either in each pool or in the whole is high enough, (6) the whole of treatment effectiveness to all parameters in the IPAL Perumnas Selatan is higher than that in IPAL Kesenden, (7) the second operational IPAL is not optimal due to the presence of several pumps which are damaged and do not work, the lack of security of the IPAL, and still the minimum customers/connections for household waste water. In relation to the optimalization of the two IPALs, It is recommended that the ponds are periodically dredged, increasing the number of customers of domestic wastewater with health promotion and the addition of an adequate sewerage, securing IPAL location, cleaning water hyacinth, pool leak handling, increasing the quality of the IPAL by agencies and ‘SKPD’ (Local government unit agencies) related to operations, and increasing the budget on waste water management in general in the city of Cirebon. Keywords: effectiveness IPAL, domestic wastewater, BOD, COD, E-coli.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GE Environmental Sciences |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Environmental Science |
ID Code: | 40469 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 21 Nov 2013 08:52 |
Last Modified: | 21 Nov 2013 08:52 |
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