Evaluasi Pengelolaan Program Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan (BOK) Puskesmas Berdasarkan Pendekatan Sistem di Kota Singkawang Kalimantan Barat Tahun 2012

UNSPECIFIED (2012) Evaluasi Pengelolaan Program Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan (BOK) Puskesmas Berdasarkan Pendekatan Sistem di Kota Singkawang Kalimantan Barat Tahun 2012. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO.

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Universitas Diponegoro Program Pascasarjana Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan Minat Manajemen Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2012 ABSTRAK Sri Sumiati Evaluasi Pengelolaan Program Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan (BOK) Puskesmas Berdasarkan Pendekatan Sistem di Kota Singkawang Kalimantan Barat Tahun 2012 121 halaman + 11 tabel + 5 gambar + 10 lampiran Program Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan (BOK) puskesmas di Kota Singkawang sudah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2010, pada tahun 2011 dari januari sampai juni tidak ada penyerapan dana oleh puskesmas sedangkan penyerapan pada akhir tahun sebesar 99,7%. pada tahun 2012 pelaksanaan program BOK berdasarkan Juknis 2012 namun pengelolaan BOK Puskesmas di Kota Singkawang belum terlaksana secara optimal karena penyerapan dana baru dilakukan satu puskesmas dari lima Puskesmas yang ada. Untuk semua kegiatan BOK dari Januari sampai dengan Mei terserap sebesar Rp. 18.792.000,- (3,76%) dari target alokasi dana yang tersedia sebesar Rp. 500.000.000,-. Jenis penelitian adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian 5 pengelola BOK Puskemas dan 5 Kepala Puskesmas serta 1 pengelola BOK dan ketua tim BOK Dinkes Kota Singkawang dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam untuk menggali lebih dalam mengenai pengelolaan program BOK. Hasil penelitian didapat dari komponen suatu sistem input, proses, dan output dari sistem pengelolaan BOK puskesmas. Input: petugas bekerja rangkap serta Ketidak mampuan petugas dalam pengelolaan keuangan BOK, dana belum dikelola dengan baik, sarana dan prasarana terbatas. proses : perencanaan yang kurang matang, lemahnya koordinasi internal puskesmas, keterlambatan pertanggungjawaban dan belum ada pengawasan dan evaluasi kegiatan dari Dinkes Kota Singkawang. Output : belum ada data akurat pelaporan pencapaian target program, penyerapan dana untuk kegiatan ruang lingkup BOK masih rendah pada triwulan dua yaitu sebesar Rp. 102.446.800,- (20,49%) dari target alokasi dana sebesar Rp. 500.000.000,-.Pada pertengahan tahun anggaran program BOK semestinya persentase penyerapan dana sebesar 50% ( Rp 250.000.000,-) dari target alokasi dana tersedia sebesar Rp 500.000.000,- Disarankan untuk Dinkes pelatihan pengelola BOK, Pengadaan sarana dan prasarana,mempertegas waktu pengajuan dan pencaiara dana.Untuk Puskesmas perlu adanya pengawasan yang ketat dari kepala puskesmas,jika pelaksana program BOK kesulitan dalam pengelolaan keuangan harap lapor kepengelola BOK Dinas Kesehatan. Kata kunci : Evaluasi. Pengelolaan. Program BOK. pendekatan sistem Daftar Pustaka : 41 (1994 – 2012 ) Diponegoro University Postgraduate Program Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Health Policy Administration Sub Majoring in Maternal and Child Health Management 2012 ABSTRACT Sri Sumiati Evaluation on the Management of Health Operational Assistance Program for Primary Healthcare Centers based on Systematical Approach in Singkawang City West Kalimantan, 2012 121 pages + 11 tables + 5 figures + 10 enclosures Health Operational Assistance (BOK) program for primary healthcare center (puskesmas) in Singkawang city had been conducted since 2010; in the period of January to June 2011 no funds were spent by primary healthcare centers, 99.7% of provided funds were spent at the end of the year. In 2012, the implementation of BOK program was based on 2012 technical guideline; however management of BOK for primary healthcare centers in Singkawang city was not done optimally due to only one out of five primary healthcare centers that spent the funds. All BOK activities in the period of January to May spent Rp. 18.792.000,- (3.76%) from the target funding allocation of Rp. 500.000.000,- This was a qualitative study. Study subjects were 5 people who managed BOK for puskesmas, 5 heads of puskesmas, and 1 person who managed BOK and BOK team leader of Singkawang city health office. Data were collected through in-depth interview to get deeper information regarding management of BOK program. Results of the study were viewed from components of a system namely input, process, and output of management system of BOK for puskesmas. Input: Workers had multi works; workers were not able to manage BOK funding; funding was not managed properly; facilities were limited. Process: planning was inadequate; internal coordination in the primary healthcare center was inadequate; responsibility reporting was delayed, and no supervision and evaluation of activities from Singkawang city health office. Output: data on program target attainment were not reported accurately; fund spending for BOK activities was still low in the second trimester; it was Rp. 102.446.800,- (20.49%) from target funding allocation of Rp. 500.000.000,-. In the mid-year of BOK program budgeting, it should be 50% of the fund was spent (Rp. 250.000.000) from target allocation of Rp. 500.000.000,- Suggestions for district/ city health office were to conduct training for BOK management, to improve facilities, to affirm the time to submit funding proposal and to withdraw funding. Suggestions for puskesmas were to conduct supervision from the head of puskesmas, to report to the BOK management in the district health office when BOK program executor faced difficulties in managing the funding. Key words : evaluation, management, BOK program, system approach Bibliography : 41 (1994-2012)

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health
ID Code:39850
Deposited On:15 Aug 2013 11:16
Last Modified:15 Aug 2013 11:16

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