Analisis Faktor-Faktor Sosialisasi Kebijakan Jampersal Kaitannya terhadap Partisipasi Bidan Praktik Swasta (BPS) di Kota Banjarmasin Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

Agustina, Hartini and Sudiro, Sudiro and Wulan, Lucia Ratna Kartika (2012) Analisis Faktor-Faktor Sosialisasi Kebijakan Jampersal Kaitannya terhadap Partisipasi Bidan Praktik Swasta (BPS) di Kota Banjarmasin Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO.

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Universitas Diponegoro Program Pascasarjana Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan Minat Manajemen Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2012 ABSTRAK Hartini Agustina Analisis Faktor-Faktor Sosialisasi Kebijakan Jampersal Kaitannya terhadap Partisipasi Bidan Praktik Swasta (BPS) di Kota Banjarmasin Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan xvii + 118 halaman + 41 kotak + 4 tabel + 2 gambar + 14 lampiran Sosialisasi kebijakan Jampersal di Kota Banjarmasin sudah gencar dilaksanakan, namun masih sedikit BPS yang berpartisipasi (tahun 2011: 8,1%, tahun 2012 sampai dengan Februari 13%), masalah yang didapat bahwa upaya sosialisasi tidak menjangkau semua BPS, Kepala Puskesmas dan IBI tidak merasa dilibatkan dalam koordinasi, masih ada kekhawatiran BPS untuk berpartisipasi. Tujuan penelitian menjelaskan bagaimana faktor-faktor sosialisasi kebijakan Jampersal kaitannya terhadap partisipasi BPS di Kota Banjarmasin. Desain penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, pendekatan melalui one shoot. Subjek penelitian 4 orang tim pengelola Jamkesmas dan BOK tingkat Kota Banjarmasin sebagai informan utama dan total informan triangulasi sebanyak 7 orang, yaitu BPS murni maupun tidak murni yang melakukan serta yang tidak melakukan PKS, Ketua IBI Cabang, dan Kepala Puskesmas yang memiliki BPS ikut PKS paling banyak dan paling sedikit di wilayah kerja. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara mendalam (indepth interview), pengolahan data dengan metode analisis isi (content analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sosialisasi kebijakan Jampersal telah dipahami oleh bidan secara benar dan jelas, penetapan sasaran sosialisasi tidak menggunakan dasar tetapi strategi, upaya koordinasi belum cukup dilakukan karena hanya melibatkan Kepala Puskesmas beserta pejabat struktural lainnya di DKK Banjarmasin belum melibatkan IBI, proses pemberian motivasi kepada bidan telah disampaikan melalui sosialisasi. Partisipasi BPS sudah ada peningkatan, syarat-syarat BPS ikut PKS telah diinformasikan kepada seluruh Puskesmas. Kesimpulan penelitian didapatkan bahwa pelaksanaan sosialisasi sudah dilakukan tetapi koordinasi dengan IBI belum berjalan dan pengarahan kepada Kepala Puskesmas saat koordinasi masih kurang, untuk itu disarankan kepada tim pengelola Jamkesmas dan BOK tingkat Kota Banjarmasin agar melibatkan IBI secara organisasi dalam koordinasi, menyusun rencana sasaran sosialisasi kepada seluruh bidan, meningkatkan pengarahan kepada Kepala Puskesmas, memberikan promosi, bonus, dll untuk memotivasi bidan berpartisipasi, menyusun prosedur penilaian pelaksanaan sosialisasi, merumuskan kebijakan pendukung untuk meningkatkan partisipasi bidan, tetapi tidak dengan melanggar hak-hak bidan. Kata Kunci : Sosialisasi, Jampersal, Partisipasi BPS. Kepustakaan : 41 (1999-2012). Diponegoro University Postgraduate Program Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Health Policy Administration Sub Majoring in Maternal and Child Health Management 2012 ABSTRACT Hartini Agustina Analysis on Socialization Factors of Delivery Assurance Policy in Relation to Midwive Private Practice Participation in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan Province xvii + 118 pages + 41 boxes + 4 tables + 2 figures + 14 enclosures Delivery assurance (jampersal) socialization in Banjarmasin municipality had been conducted frequently. However, few private practice midwives (BPS) who participated in jampersal (8.1% in 2011, 13% in 2012 before March). The problems found were that socialization efforts did not reach all BPS; head of primary healthcare center and local Indonesian Midwifery Association (IBI) were not involved in the coordination, BPS still worried to participate. The study objective was to explain jampersal policy socialization factors in relation to BPS participation in Banjarmasin municipality. This was a descriptive qualitative study with one shoot approach. Study subjects were four people of jamkesmas management team and BOK of Banjarmasin municipality level as the main informants. Triangulation informants were 7 people namely pure BPS or non-pure BPS, BPS who did PKS and who did not do PKS, the director of local Indonesian Midwifery Association (IBI), head of puskesmas with BPS who participated most and least in PKS. Data were collected through in-depth interview. Content analysis was applied in the data analysis. Results of the study showed that jampersal policy socialization had been understood correctly and clearly by midwives; determination of socialization target did not use a guideline but it used a strategy; coordination effort was still insufficient because it was only involving the head of puskesmas and other structural officers in Banjarmasin district health office, and it was not involving IBI; a process of giving motivation to midwives had been done through socialization. Participation of BPS increased, and criteria for BPS to participate in the PKS had been informed to all puskesmas In conclusion, implementation of socialization has been done. However, coordination with IBI has not been performed, and supervision to the head of puskesmas is still inadequate. It is suggested to jamkesmas management team and BOK of Banjarmasin municipality to involve IBI in the organization and coordination, to make target planning for socialization to all midwives, to improve supervision to the head of puskesmas, to provide promotion or bonus in order to motivate participation of midwives, to form socialization implementation assessment procedure, to formulate supporting policy to improve midwives participation without breaking midwives rights. Key words : Socialization, Jampersal, BPS Participation Bibliography : 41 (1999-2012)

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health
ID Code:39818
Deposited On:14 Aug 2013 12:50
Last Modified:30 May 2014 09:36

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