Analisis Implementasi Program Pemberian Tablet Fe (besi) oleh Bidan di Puskesmas Wilayah Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan Tahun 2011

Tuju, Sjenny Olga (2012) Analisis Implementasi Program Pemberian Tablet Fe (besi) oleh Bidan di Puskesmas Wilayah Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan Tahun 2011. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO.

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Universitas Diponegoro Program Pascasarjana Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Kosentrasi Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan Minat Manajemen Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2012 ABSTRAK Sjenny Olga Tuju Analisis Implementasi Program Pemberian Tablet Fe (besi) oleh Bidan di Puskesmas Wilayah Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan Tahun 2011 xii + 86 halaman + 13 lampiran Pelaksanaan program pemberian tablet Fe (besi) di Puskesmas Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan masih dibawah target nasional (78,8 %) target Nasional (90 %) walaupun sudah ada kebijakan tentang program pemberian tablet Fe (besi) pada bidan. Survey pendahuluan yang dlakukan oleh 7 bidan di 7 Puskesmas diperoleh informasi bahwa masih ada bidan yang belum melaksanakan sesuai dengan standar operasional prosedur yang sudah ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi program pemberian tablet Fe (besi) oleh bidan di Puskesmas Wilayah Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Jenis penelitian merupakan deskriptif observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan wawancara kuesioner dan observasi langsung pada saat bidan memberikan tablet Fe (besi) di polindes/Posyandu. Jumlah sampel 98 orang bidan desa di 17 kecamatan Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan.yang diambil secara Simple Random Sapling. Analisis univariat, bivariat dilakukan dengan chi-square test dan analisis multivariat dengan regresi logistik Bidan sudah melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan dengan kategori baik dalam komunikasi (46,9%),Sumberdaya (52%),Disposisi (57,1%) dan Struktur Birokrasi (53,1%). variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap implementasi program pemberian tablet Fe (besi) adalah birokrasi (nilai p= 0,24 ) exp ß=2,584. Saran untuk Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan adalah : memberikan soaialisasi kepada bidan tentang manfaat dari pengunaan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) pemberian tablet Fe (besi). Memberikan insentif bagi bidan yang telah melaksanakan sesuai dengan standar yang memenuhi cakupan, diberikan Hb Sahli set bagi semua bidan yang bertugas didesa yang belum mempunyai lat tersebut. Kata kunci : Program Pemberian Tablet Fe, Bidan Desa, Implementasi Program Kepustakaan : 43 buku, 1995-2010 Diponegoro University Postgraduate Program Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Health Policy Administration Sub Majoring in Maternal and Child Health Management 2012 ABSTRACT Sjenny Olga Tuju The Analysis on the Implementation of Iron Supplementation Program to Pregnant Woman by Midwives at Primary Healthcare Centers in South Minahasa District, 2011 xii + 86 pages +13 enclosures Implementation of iron tablets supplementation program in the primary healthcare centers of South Minahasa district was still below the national target (78.8%) although there was a policy regarding iron supplementation program by midwives. The national target was 90%. Preliminary survey conducted on 7 midwives showed that there were midwives who had not implemented the program according to the existed standard operating procedure. The objective of this study was to analyze factors affecting the implementation of iron tablets supplementation program by midwives in the primary healthcare centers in the area of South Minahasa district. This was an observational analytical study with cross sectional approach. Data collection was done through interview guided by questionnaire and direct observation to midwives when giving iron tablets in a polindes/posyandu. The number of study samples was 98 village midwives in 17 sub districts of South Minahasa district. They were selected using simple random sampling method. Univariate analysis, bivariate analysis with chi square test, and multivariate analysis with logistic regression were applied in the data analysis. Results of the study showed that midwives had implemented the activities with good category in communication (46.9%), resources (52%), disposition (57.1%), and structured bureaucracy (53.1%). Variable affecting the implementation of iron tablets supplementation program was bureaucracy (p= 0.24), exp β= 2.584. Suggestions for the South Minahasa district health office were to conduct socialization to midwives regarding the benefits of using standard operating procedures of the implementation of iron tables supplementation; to give incentive for midwives who implement the program according to the standard and reaching the target; to provide Hb Sahli set for all midwives who work in the village and they do not have the Hb Sahli set. Key words : Iron tablets supplementation program, village midwives, program implementation Bibliography : 43 books, 1995-2010

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health
ID Code:39773
Deposited On:13 Aug 2013 11:25
Last Modified:14 May 2014 10:44

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