"Hasta Brata" Ajaran Kepemimpinan Jawa Masih Relevan di Era Global

sulistyowati, sulistyowati (2012) "Hasta Brata" Ajaran Kepemimpinan Jawa Masih Relevan di Era Global. FORUM: Majalah Pengembangan Ilmu Sosial, 40 (2). pp. 63-67. ISSN 01260731` (Submitted)

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Patrimonial leadership is still relevant to be appllied. This is not out of the history of leadership development, especially in Java, mainly from the palace (Kraton). Many teachings related to leadership that is still valid todays Hasta Brata. Although much known teaching leadership from outside Indonesia, but the teachings of Hasta Brata still be applied. In fact many leaders do not applied this teachings, event forgotten impression. As a result, leader soften can not complete the taskin the timeset. Hopefully, leaders in Indonesia have always at hered to the teachings of the ancestors.

Item Type:Article
Subjects:J Political Science > JA Political science (General)
Divisions:Faculty of Social and Political Sciences > Department of Government Science
ID Code:39432
Deposited On:27 May 2013 10:38
Last Modified:27 May 2013 10:38

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