Web Content Management: What does it mean for Institutional Repositories?

Heriyanto, Heriyanto (2012) Web Content Management: What does it mean for Institutional Repositories? Lentera Pustaka Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, dan Kearsipan. , 1 (1). pp. 70-75. ISSN 2302-4666

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Pengumpulan, pengelolaan dan penyimpanan informasi adalah kegiatan yang telah dilakukan perpustakaan selama sejarah perpustakaan itu dimulai. Namun permasalahan yang dihadapi saat ini berbeda, terutama berkaitan dengan jumlah informasi dan cara pengelolaan informasi tersebut. Salah satu format baru dalam mengelola dan mendistribusikan informasi adalah melalui institutional repository (IR). Media online yang berkonsep open access yang menawarkan kemudahan dalam pengelolaan dan pendistribusian hasil karya ilmiah. Artikel ini membahas manajemen informasi dalam institutional repository, khususnya dalam hal manajemen dan preservasi materi-materi dalam repository. Information collection, organization and storage are the roles that have been done by libraries for millennia. What makes the problem different today is the amount of information and the way they are managed. One of a new form of organizing and delivering information is through institutional repositories (IRs). It is a new development of academic institutions for storing and distributing information, especially for research publications, in an electronic format. This paper discusses the issue of deploying content management in repositories. It identifies the management and preservation of the content in institutional repositories.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Institutional repository, web content management,
Subjects:Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources > Z665 Library Science. Information Science
Divisions:Faculty of Humanities > Department of Library Science
ID Code:38702
Deposited On:01 Mar 2013 12:06
Last Modified:01 Mar 2013 12:06

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