MURTONO, DHINI and Arvianto, Ary (2013) ANALISIS DAN USULAN DESAIN INTERFACE WEBSITE PEMASARAN DENGAN METODE TCSD (Task-Centered System Design) (Studi Kasus Pada Toko Nuristikom Kota Semarang). Undergraduate thesis, diponegoro university.
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ABSTRAKSI Penjualan produk melalui sebuah website saat ini sudah menjamur di berbagai situs. Salah satunya yang dilakukan oleh Toko Nuristikom yang berdomisili di semarang. Toko ini menggunakan layanan website sudah 1 tahun lamanya. Keuntungan dari menggunakan layanan website ini adalah dapat mencari pelanggan yang banyak hal ini dikarenakan sudah menjamurnya internet di masyarakat. Tapi website yang saat ini dirasakan kurang menarik untuk pelanggan. Terkadang pelanggan kurang tidak tertarik mengakses website ini di karenakan tampilan yang di sajikan monoton. Sehinga perlu adanya perbaikan dalam tampilan sebuah website untuk memenuhu kebutuhan user. Task Centered System Desaign (TCSD) merupakan metode dalam Human Computer Interaction (HCI) yang digunakan utuk mengetahui kebutuhan userdan kebutuhan task. Metode TCSD meliputi 4 tahap, yaitu identification, requirement, design as scenario dan walktrough evaluate. Hasil identification digunakan sebagai dasar perbaikan interface website yang didukung dengan observasi serta wawancara langsung pada user. Pengembangan interface website ini berorientasi berfokus pada peambahan content serta tampilan yang disajikan. Usulan perbaikan disusun menjadi 2 alternatif desain secara simulasi, dimana alternatif tersebut dikembalikan pada user sehingga diperoleh satu alternatif desain yang sesuai ddengan kebutuhan user. Setelah teridentifikasi ternyata user membutuhkan content contact person, new product, E-marketing dan review product yang akan digunakan sebagai dasar penyusunan 2 alternatif. Secara keseluruhan user memilih alternatif 2 sebagai desain yang disukai, karena alternatif tersebut memiliki kelengkapan content serta informasi yang ditampilkan. ABSTRACT Product sale through such website recently already spread out in various sites. One of them carried out by Nuristikom Store which located in Semarang. This store already used this website service for year. Advantages used this website service are could found a lot of customer this case because already spread out internet in society. But website that recently felt less interesting for customer. Sometimes customer was not interested to access this website because display perform was monoton. Therefore need presence improvement within display such website to meet user need. Task Centered System Design (TCSD) is such method within Human Computer Interaction (HCI) that used to found both user and task necessities. TCSD method include 4 steps, are identification, requirement, design as scenario and walkthrough evaluate. Identification result used as website interface improvement base that supported by observation and direct interview to user. Thin interface website development oriented and focused on content addition and display perform. Improvement suggestion are set become 2 alternative designs by simulation, whereas that alternative given back to user therefore obtain one alternative of design that due to user need. After identified, in fact user need content contact person, new product, E-marketing and review product that will be used as basic arrangement of 2 alternatives. Totally user choose 2 alternatives as preferred design, because that alternatives have content completeness and information performed.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | website, interface, TCSD, content website, interface, TCSD, content |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) T Technology > TS Manufactures |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial Engineering |
ID Code: | 38658 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 27 Feb 2013 12:33 |
Last Modified: | 28 Feb 2013 10:06 |
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