Yuliyanto, Budi Setiawan (2010) ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS PEMBERITAAN KEKERASAN BERBASIS GENDER DI SURAT KABAR HARIAN SUARA MERDEKA. Masters thesis, Master Program in Communication Science.
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ABSTRAKSI ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS PEMBERITAAN KEKERASAN BERBASIS GENDER DI SURAT KABAR HARIAN SUARA MERDEKA Kasus kekerasan terhadap wanita kerapkali ada di Jawa Tengah (pada 2009 tercatat 614 kasus). Data kekerasan tersebut, bisa kita pahami dengan membaca teks-teks berita di Suara Merdeka. Media massa seharusnya menyampaikan informasi yang mencerahkan. Ironisnya, sosok wanita oleh media massa, dideskripsikan secara negatif, yaitu sebagai simbol seks, serta sebagai objek pelecehan dan kekerasan. Media seperti ini berpotensi memicu munculnya kekerasan simbolik dalam diri korban. Melalui studi analisis wacana kritis itu, peneliti dapat mengetahui sisi tekstual, produksi, konsumsi dan konteks sociocultural terhadap pemberitaan kekerasan berbasis gender di Suara Merdeka. Bangunan teoritisi yang tepat menyoroti penelitian ini, yakni: the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory, ideological dan hegemony. Tipe penelitiannya adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan perspektif kritis, di mana analisis data kualitatifnya mengacu pada Critical Discourse Analysis Norman Fairclough. Untuk subjek dalam studi ini, berupa berita bertema gender, jurnalis dan pembaca yang terkait topik tersebut. Berdasarkan output studi ini, bahwa teks-teks beritanya bersifat bias gender. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari pilihan-pilihan kata yang dipakai jurnalis, misalnya: ‘ikut nimbrung mengerjai korban’, ‘mendapat jatah mengerjai korban’, ‘korban dipukuli menggunakan tangan kosong’ dan ‘tutur Tyas bertubuh bahenol ukuran bra 36 B.’ Fenomena media ini disebabkan faktor bisnis bahasa, yang mana bertujuan hanya untuk menarik perhatian khalayak dan peningkatan oplah. Bila dikaitkan konteks sosial, maka mereka telah terinternalisasi budaya patriarki, apalagi jumlah reporter Suara Merdeka di dominasi oleh pria, di mana dari total 130 orang hanya 9 reporter berjenis kelamin wanita. Mereka sedikit bahkan ada yang tidak pernah memperoleh workshop bertema gender, sehingga output beritanya mengikuti selera pria. Suara Merdeka juga tidak fair, di satu sisi berita tentang wanita korban kekerasan di-blow up, sementara fakta pelaku kekerasan yang berasal dari tokoh agama, tidak diangkat oleh jajaran redaksi, dengan alasan akan muncul kekisruhan di masyarakat. Untuk mencari solusi dari permasalahan ini, maka perlu pemberlakuan mekanisme internal perusahaan, melalui workshop rutin jurnalistik berbasis gender dan juga penerapan sanksi tegas kepada jurnalis. Untuk rekomendasi studi berikutnya, diarahkan dalam lingkup akademik. Kajian selanjutnya dapat menggunakan tradisi semiotika dan atau metode fenomenologi. Bagi pemikir semiotik, isi berita dianggap sebagai hasil penggunaan tanda-tanda para praktisi. Untuk metode fenomenologi ingin mengkaji lebih dalam tentang pengalaman dari informan mengenai berita-berita bertema kekerasan berbasis gender di Suara Merdeka. Disetujui oleh Dosen Pembimbing Tanggal 9 Agustus 2010 Triyono Lukmantoro, S.Sos., M.Si. NIP. 19701211.199802.1.001 ABSTRACTION CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE NEWS ON SUARA MERDEKA DAILY Cases of violence against women in Central Java Province have been considered high. A report documented that during 2009, there were 614 violent cases which involved women as victims. This phenomenon had also been recorded by newspapers. However, there was a problem faced by the media for they did not present the information properly. Instead of giving empathy to the victims, newspapers tended to wrongly illustrate the violence as such that they were likely placing women in disgrace. The media described the women as the object of sexual fantasy, harassment, and violence. The problem was how the media presented the violence in their news. There seemed no empathy to the victims of violence against women. Such paradigm brought the victims into a symbolic violence. A critical discrouse analysis was necessary to find out textual aspects, production, consumption, and socio-cultural contexts of gender-based violence news on a newspaper, like what this study had performed to Suara Merdeka daily. This analysis was based on the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory, ideological and hegemony. Using a qualitative descriptive technique with critical perspective, this study analyzed the qualitative data according to Norman Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis. Subject of the study was limited to gender-related news, as well as their relevant journalists and readers. Having explored texts presented on the news on Suara Merdeka daily, the study found a gender bias. This could be seen from diction used by the journalists. Phrases such as “ikut nimbrung mengerjai korban”, “mendapat jatah mengerjai korban”, “korban dipukuli menggunakan tangan kosong” and “tutur Tyas bertubuh bahenol ukuran bra 36 B”, were likely putting the women into the suffering object. This phenomenon was believed to be the result of business-oriented viewpoints, which aimed to attract the audience as well as to improve the sales. In social context, women had been internalized by a patriarchic culture (it might be due to unequal gender proportion of the journalists of Suara Merdeka, where the number of male journalists, 130, far bigger than the only nine female counterparts). This study suggested that most journalists in Suara Merdeka hardly found opportunities to attend gender-related workshops, so that the news output they produced did not cover both side of story. Instead, the news presented were likely having a mindset that all the readers were males. Suara Merdeka had unfairly informed the news of the violence against women, placing them as the object who suffered by implicitly showing the superiority of men over them. Such mischief could have had been avoided had Suara Merdeka already performed in-depth training and knowledge improvement to the journalists in such that they became aware of women’s position in the gender-based violence. This study recommended a broader scrutiny of the gender-based violence news on Suara Merdeka in different techniques of analysis. For example, the future studies may apply semiotic tradition or phenomenological approach in order to enrich literature of the gender-based violence news by the media, in particular, Suara Merdeka. Keywords: news, text, production, consumption, socio-cultural, gender Approved by the Supervisor, August 9th, 2010 Triyono Lukmantoro, S.Sos., M.Si. 19701211.199802.1.001
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Communication Science |
ID Code: | 38388 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 11 Feb 2013 19:48 |
Last Modified: | 16 Dec 2015 13:52 |
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