EFEKTIVITAS ANALISIS PERAGAM UNTUK MENGENDALIKAN GALAT PERCOBAAN PADA RANCANGAN ACAK KELOMPOK DENGAN MATERI PERCOBAAN TERNAK BABI (Effectivity of Covariance Analysis to Controlled the Experimental Error in Randomized Block Design with Pig as Experimental Material)

Mas, I Ketut Gordeyase (2009) EFEKTIVITAS ANALISIS PERAGAM UNTUK MENGENDALIKAN GALAT PERCOBAAN PADA RANCANGAN ACAK KELOMPOK DENGAN MATERI PERCOBAAN TERNAK BABI (Effectivity of Covariance Analysis to Controlled the Experimental Error in Randomized Block Design with Pig as Experimental Material). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebangkitan Peternakan – Semarang, 20 Mei 2009 . pp. 655-661.


Official URL: http://www.fp.undip.ac.id

Item Type:Article
Subjects:S Agriculture > SF Animal culture
Divisions:Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences > Department of Animal Agriculture
ID Code:3825
Deposited On:14 Jan 2010 20:47
Last Modified:14 Jan 2010 20:47

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