SURBAKTI, Wahyu Hiskia and KODOATIE, Johanna Maria (2012) ANALISIS PERMINTAAN REAL ENERGI LISTRIK DI JAWA TENGAH DAN DI. YOGYAKARTA. Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis.

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Increased demand for electrical energy that is not accompanied by an increase in electricity production will affect the activities of the community and will ultimately hamper economic growth. This study aims to estimate the demand for electricity in the region of Central Java and DI.Yogyakarta. Dependent variable is the amount of electricity sold (kWh), the independent variable is the number of customers (units) and electricity production cost (U.S. $ / kWh). The data used are secondary data. Data obtained through the documentation of the data owned by PT PLN branch Jatingaleh. The analysis tools used in this research is Multiple linear regression with SPSS 16.00. The results showed that in the household sector (RT) varriabel influential is the number of consumers. Coefficient of determination equal to 0.743 or 74.3%. The results show that the business sector is the number varriabel influential consumers. Coefficient of determination equal to 0.222 or 22.2%. The results show that the industrial sector is the number varriabel influential consumers. Coefficient of determination equal to 0.657 or 65.7%. The results showed that in the social sector varriabel influential is the number of consumers. Coefficient of determination equal to 0.657 or 65.7%. The results showed that in the government sector varriabel influential is the number of consumers. Coefficient of determination equal to 0.728 or 72.8%.

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Additional Information:electricity sold, the number of consumers, the price of electricity production
Uncontrolled Keywords:electricity sold, the number of consumers, the price of electricity production
Subjects:H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions:Faculty of Economics and Business > Department of Economics and Development Studies
ID Code:38233
Deposited On:05 Feb 2013 08:24
Last Modified:05 Feb 2013 08:24

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