Quality Improvement (Fiber Content and Protein Digestibility Value) of Cassava Peel by Fermentation Using Tape Yeast with Vitamin B Supplementation

Wikanastri , Hersoelistyorini and Cahya S., Utama (2012) Quality Improvement (Fiber Content and Protein Digestibility Value) of Cassava Peel by Fermentation Using Tape Yeast with Vitamin B Supplementation. In: International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering 2012. ISBN : 978-602-097-281-7, September 12 – 13, 2012, , Grand Candi Hotel, Semarang Indonesia.

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The significant increment of cassava production in Indonesia which reaches 22 million tons in 2009 results a huge number of cassava peels that have potency to be environment pollutant. On the other hand, the value of imported corn for animal feed increase annually and reaches 609,635 tons in 2011. Based on that, it is important to study the potency of cassava peels as raw material for animal feed and to reduce the dependency of animal feed in imported corn. Previously, the fermentation of cassava peel using tape yeast inoculums with vitamin B supplementation can increase its protein content and decreasing the cyanide content. In this work, fermentation process of cassava peel using tape yeast inoculums with vitamin B supplementation were conducted to investigate its influence in fiber content and protein digestibility value. The result shown that vitamin B1 supplementation in fermentation process using tape yeast inoculums can reduce the crude fiber content from 11.4952% to 4.5603%. Supplementation of vitamin B1 also increased the value of protein digestibility of cassava peel from 61.0252% to 71.1066%. The best quality was obtained in addition of vitamin B1 in fermentation process using tape yeast with 6 days fermentation.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:cassava skin, supplementation of vitamin B, crude fiber, protein digestibility
Subjects:T Technology > TP Chemical technology
Divisions:UNDIP Conference/Seminar > International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering 2012
Faculty of Engineering > Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering > Department of Chemical Engineering
ID Code:36891
Deposited On:14 Nov 2012 09:59
Last Modified:14 Nov 2012 10:17

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