Synthesis of Zeolite Pellets From Natural Zeolite and Starch as Adsorbent For Fuel Grade Bioethanol Production

Anwar , Ma’ruf, and Neni , Damajanti (2012) Synthesis of Zeolite Pellets From Natural Zeolite and Starch as Adsorbent For Fuel Grade Bioethanol Production. In: International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering 2012. ISBN : 978-602-097-281-7, September 12 – 13, 2012,, Grand Candi Hotel, Semarang Indonesia.

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Bioethanol is one of the alternative energy that needs to be kept under review, in terms of raw material sources, the fermentation and purification processes. In terms of purification process in order to standardize to be fuel grade, It is how to get dry bioethanol (99.5% bioethanol ). In order to get fuel grade bioethanol, it is need special separation process, because the ethanol and water mixture to be azeotrop at level 95%. The objective of this research is to improve bioethanol purification process by using zeolite pellets. The research was conducted in two stages, firstly the synthesis of zeolite pellets by blend natural zeolite and starch and then the application of it to adsorpt bioethanol vapor. The types of starch that used are wheat starch, tapioca, rice starch and corn starch. The results shows that the best type of starch for synthesis zeolite pellets is wheat starch. It is showed by the higher adsorption capacity. In other hand, the increasing of starch content will increase the adsorption capacity of zeolite pellets. In order to get fuel grade bioethanol, it is need the initial bioethanol with minimum level 94%.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:bioethanol, natural starch, zeolite pellets
Subjects:T Technology > TP Chemical technology
Divisions:UNDIP Conference/Seminar > International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering 2012
Faculty of Engineering > Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering > Department of Chemical Engineering
ID Code:36890
Deposited On:14 Nov 2012 09:45
Last Modified:14 Nov 2012 10:16

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