Adhik , Wati and Sylvia , Anggraeni Motto (2011) EKSTRAKSI MINYAK DARI MIKROALGA JENIS CHLORELLA sp BERBANTUKAN ULTRASONIK. Technical Report. Diponegoro University.

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Energy is one of the primary needs of man. Currently, dwindling energy resources. This is caused by a commonly used fuel derived from petroleum that can not be updated. Microalgae are potential to produce algal oil as an alternative raw material of biodiesel. The study was conducted to obtain oil from the microalga chlorella sp berbntukan type ultrasonic for 60 minutes using the solvent n-hexana and methanol The purpose of this study was to obtain oil from the microalgae species Chorella sp with ultrasonic extraction process, with the variable type of solvent, the ratio of algae and the solvent so that the obtained results optimum by comparing the yield of oil obtained. To achieve these objectives in this research will use the Alga Chlorella sp first dried, then crushed to obtain powder of the algae. Algae powder weighing 40 grams of oil extracted using the solvent n-hexane and methanol with a ratio of 1:2 to 1:12 (g algae / ml solvent). The extraction was done in a round flask placed in an ultrasonic bath containing water at a frequency of 60 KHz and the reaction run at a temperature of 60 oC. The results produced the highest yield obtained using the solvent n-hexana amounted to 30.14 g / ml in perbndingan 1:8 (g algae / ml solvent) while using the solvent methanol to produce 29.02 g / ml at the ratio 1:10 (g algae / ml solvent) From the results of GC-MS analysis contained peaks that appear in 13, and contained fatty acids in algae oil, which is hexanoid acid on the peak-to-8 which has a retention time of 12.497 minute with 20.47% levels.

Item Type:Monograph (Technical Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords:chlorella sp; extraction; oil; ultrasonic
Subjects:T Technology > TP Chemical technology
Divisions:Faculty of Engineering > Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering > Department of Chemical Engineering
ID Code:36781
Deposited On:06 Nov 2012 08:00
Last Modified:06 Nov 2012 08:00

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