Anak, Agung Juwita P.D and Chirilla , Susilowati (2011) BIOETANOL DARI AMPAS DAN KULIT SINGKONG. Technical Report. Diponegoro University.

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Tapioca industry in addition to produse starch also produces solid and liquid waste quiet a lot. Waste generated as cassava peel and dregs are still not fully utilized, but still contain high enough carbohydrates. The purpose of this work is to see how much dregs and peel of cassava can be converted into ethanol using of fermentation process. In this research, various additional fermipan and length of fermentation of dregs and cassava peel samples. From the results, ethanol from cassava peel with 25 grams bound dry base produced 2,6 % gr/gr substrat, and cassava dregs produced 1,2% gr/gr substrat. While the glucose produced in the cassava peel is 60 % and cassava dregs is 40 %. For variable length of fermentation, the maximum outcome at 7 days of fermentation. And maximum results obtained in this variable is 0.0258 grams for cassava peel and 0.0134 grams for dregs. For various additional fermipan (yeast), which obtained a maximum yield 0.02 grams for cassava peel and 0.014 grams for cassava dregs.

Item Type:Monograph (Technical Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords:etanol, hydrolisa, fermentation, cassava dregs, cassava peel
Subjects:T Technology > TP Chemical technology
Divisions:Faculty of Engineering > Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering > Department of Chemical Engineering
ID Code:36744
Deposited On:05 Nov 2012 11:15
Last Modified:05 Nov 2012 11:15

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