YUNIAWAN , Ahyar (2009) Pemodelan Hubungan antara Variabel Organisasional dan Variabel Pelanggan dalam Penyampaian Layanan serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Retensi Pelanggan pada Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen , 7 (4).
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Tarloyk organizations, ineluded universillt, are ehallenged to deliver qttalit,tt to their eustomcrs. yew paradigmLs in higher ediicatian de',,elopmem jar the Indatteiian shauls! be ir,cplewented'because ser- ';ice qua!i4; and custom.ey satisfaelion eauld. be cecamplisked if lhc organizstians \^-'ere effecli.'e Orgnnizational effectiveness has become an inrpartance issue late$: and il hqs center on explanatiotts of wlzat nrakes suiizelntrrris e;tcellefii, u;'higit tlauli4'-', pri,:t!uc!ii'y, e;;i,;ieni, hei:itlii', ut'possetsiiigvii':tli'ry- u!! pta:iies;'ir iiit coficeiii af orgatiizaiional e.ffectiveiiess as used in the orgaraizatiancil seievices liierature. Universily* lias shown arubiguities for its ef-deetiveness, serch as: unfuersities sre tharacterizecl b.v- ar? absence af measurable goctls, !itt!e connection betu'een acquired resources o'rtd' protlucts 'lnd' abil!4t to gfuefoit tyeatwent to tkeir all constituents. The studlt aimecl to e,-aluate the unfuersi4t ffictiveness qnd correlate to its organizational uuiLomes thul rejlec.t iis senltce ejjec'iivariess (e.g.. setaiuy t1truiiry, custurnet sttiisjtitliun, intii!utionui irttt- tg€. t!;'t,i rtpiitalion, tilsioiitei reieiiii,-,ri)i anti ir,i tintib':e iric,.!i,.iiiirg rt,i"-: af sei-vir.e quaii4'iri,-i!'iei'io S,.iiii theorelical.l heno-rtts. Tlte, sfu$t emplot'ed srsruelt welhoti. rtnd ttsed proporlionsl stroti-f;ed rsnd-om sorupling as sampling technic{ue. The sturiy was a iinkage research in the srea af higher eciucation which required enrplay-ee/tnan*ger and custamer participation to e',;eluale service arganizatian eifecti'"'eness and ser,-ice quatity because sentiee attributes uniqueness has brought the physical, organizatianal and psychological cioseness af empioyees and cttsiomers" The stzt*yb resuiis were ffictiveness measttes anci gooci confirntation in its correlation lo customer s variables basetl on hoiistic approach in service rnanugement; !he organizational ffictiveness isn'i incyeqse institzttionai image, instituiional repuicttion, sentice quaiity or custofixer satisfaction; in the proposed rnodel, tlte role and rnediation ffict af senice quality as integration frctor behveen organizatisn snd custotner aren? sztpported; ihe service quality of higher education increases custoffier saiiqfaclion, and in the KP-ML model, it increases custorner retention: the astomer satisfaction incresses service quali4; af higher education; and in the i/IL-KP model, it incretrses cttstower reieiiiii;n; i!'ie iiistittitiaiiai image iiicreases ciisteftier reteiitiaii; the iiisiiiuiioital reputciiian increase,i custawey retenlion; anr! the tntsl e/fert o{ oyganizationa! efectiveness dic! not -{airh, ir.crea.seal" arstarner relention"
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | linkage research, strtectural equcttion model, sulvey, orgo.nizational ffictiveness, service qttality, custowter satisfaction, ittstitutional itnage, institutional reputatian, customer retetttion, and higker edztcatioit. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | linkage research, strtectural equcttion model, sulvey, orgo.nizational ffictiveness, service qttality, custowter satisfaction, ittstitutional itnage, institutional reputatian, customer retetttion, and higker edztcatioit. |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Economics and Business > Department of Management |
ID Code: | 34068 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 29 Feb 2012 13:35 |
Last Modified: | 29 Feb 2012 13:35 |
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