Evaluasi Orientasi Layanan Sebagai Bagian dari Budaya Organisasi dan Efeknya Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi

YUNIAWAN , Ahyar (2011) Evaluasi Orientasi Layanan Sebagai Bagian dari Budaya Organisasi dan Efeknya Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi. Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, 13 (1).

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Nowadalts, there are many organizations including universities supposed to develop their perfonnance ' efectiveness ancl also their senice quality. Effectiveness have become an important isstte because of the :-:olanation on what makes the organizations have their excellence, high quality, productiviflt, vitolity, whirh ".:,esents the concept of efectiveness in organizational science literature. In addition, organizational ",=-,-otrwtc€s are complex and become one oJfunctions of many variables, One of the multifacet variableg ::.,ir is continnously taken into account from many Jhculties and business professionals is oienlation. '-.:,:ttrgh it is difficutt to conceptualize and to measttre, organizational ofientation directly fficts the -;-:niational perfotmance. Organizational orientation, especially sewice orientation, has shown the :::icant efect to organizational performance. Together with the increase of'the interest in gaining the .--.,ce ofieitarton, this concept has bem proved to be main factor in creating the superior customer value .-:--; sen,ice quality. The study aims to evahtate the university service orientation as social variable, to .-.::-:ricolly test its relotionship to organizational petfotmance meosxlres dan to provide manageriat -:.:licatlons. The premise behind the stu$t is that sewice-oriented organizations that strateglcally choose to :,lpltmize sewice sxcellence as ataTueadded deliverablewill perform signrJicontly better thon orgonrzotrons :,tit do not po,ssess /ris orientation. This stu$t was aimed to mertsnre the serttice orientation concept as qn aspect of oiganizational ailtuye and to understand the the relationship bet**een slrategically-chosen service orientation, employee service outcomes and business petformance by usrng multiple Wrmants' To date' iittle empirical-res'ecrch has focused on unfurstanding the complex relationship behaeen sentice orientation cntd organizational poformance. Moreover, existing research tends to measLre and examine the construcl' senice orientation, without serious regardfor its"conceptutalization and measurement as an element of organizational anlture. The sn$t "*ptoyni suruey method and used proporlional randont scntpling as sintpling technique. The results'o| ItL tn ay are senice orientation measures in higher education cmd its ,6urn 6n n*pio1,r" service ortro*u, and business performance are in good confitmation' settice ,tientation increase business performance and employee seruice oLrtcomes; employee sentice outcomes i,tcrease btniness perfor*orri; irul the total effecti os sen;ice orientation surely increase entployee senice otttcotrt€s, andwhich in tum, it will increase business performance'

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:Service orientation, employee service outcomes, business performance and higher institution
Uncontrolled Keywords:Service orientation, employee service outcomes, business performance and higher institution
Subjects:H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions:Faculty of Economics and Business > Department of Management
ID Code:34067
Deposited On:29 Feb 2012 13:27
Last Modified:29 Feb 2012 13:27

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