Evaluation Of Integrated Solid Waste Management In Roemani Hospital

ADEL , MUFTOH ATIK (2011) Evaluation Of Integrated Solid Waste Management In Roemani Hospital. Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.

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ABSTRACT Hospital is a place for delivering health services. Hospitals will produce solid waste due to their health care related daily activities. If not properly handled, the waste will of cause harm to patients, visitors and the environment. Therefore, the importance of healthy environment around the hospital has become a prominent issue to analyze in order to find out problems associated to hospital solid waste management. This research aimed to analyze solid waste management at Roemani Hospital, Semarang. Object of the research is process of integrated solid waste management using data obtained from interview and observation pursuant on the Ministry of Health Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No.1204/Menkes/Sk/2004. These data were then subject to a descriptive analysis. Results of the study showed that solid waste management had not fulfilled the requirement of the Minister of Health Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No.1204/Menkes/Sk/2004. In the current solid waste management, phase segregation, collection, and disposal of end waste had not fulfilled the decree’s requirements. Poorly trained personnel and the absence of personal protective equipment, as well as facilities were among the major problems in the management of solid waste. In short, the solid waste management at Roemani Hospital, Semarang did not meet environmental health requirements stipulated within Minister of Health Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No.1204/Menkes/Sk/2004. To make worse, resources of waste management was inadequate due to lacking of education training and personnel management, which should have been made available, supported by the application of appropriate guidelines and safety standards, provision of equipment and waste treatment facilities are safe for workers and the environment. Evaluation of waste management is a good management for creating the effectiveness and efficiency of solid waste management. Key words : waste disposal, solid waste management, hospital.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GE Environmental Sciences
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Environmental Science
ID Code:33574
Deposited On:17 Feb 2012 10:34
Last Modified:17 Feb 2012 10:34

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