Ayu Renjaningrum, Lingga (2011) PERANCANGAN SISTEM PENGUKURAN KINERJA SUPPLY CHAIN DENGAN PENDEKATAN SCOR MODEL (Studi Kasus di PT KUBOTA INDONESIA). Undergraduate thesis, Diponegoro University.
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ABSTRAK PT Kubota Indonesia adalah perusahaan produsen mesin-mesin diesel yang bermutu tinggi. Penguasaan pangsa pasar mesin diesel nasional sebagai berikut, merk Kubota 15%, merk Yanmar 15%, dan merk-merk China. Di tengah persaingan yang semakin ketat, PT Kubota dituntut untuk dapat bertahan dan tetap unggul di dunia industri dengan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dan memaksimalkan internal bisnisnya, sedangkan untuk memenuhi tuntutan tersebut akan melibatkan banyak fungsi dalam supply chain. Manajemen pengukuran kinerja supply chain yang dilakukan secara holistik akan mendukung kesuksesan supply chain dalam memenuhi tuntutan pasar. Namun pemantauan kinerja PT Kubota saat ini masih terkotak-kotak berdasarkan fungsi departemen dalam bentuk laporan masing-masing departemen yang diadakan sebulan sekali. Kinerja supply chain PT Kubota Indonesia secara holistik tidak diketahui secara pasti. Dibutuhkan suatu metode yang secara khusus dapat digunakan mengukur kinerja supply chain secara keseluruhan yakni SCOR model yang menggunakan alat ukur KPI. Di dalam SCOR Model kinerja dipantau dalam perspektif customer dan internal facing sejalan dengan strategi perusahaan memenuhi tuntutan pasar dengan peningkatan kualitas pelayanan dan memaksimalkan internal bisnis. Penentuan bobot KPI menggunakan metode Analitical Hierarchy Process dengan software expert choice, scoring system dengan Objective Matrix, dan evaluasi kinerja dengan Traffic Light System. Dari 10 KPI yang diusulkan berdasarkan SCOR Model Versi 9.0, KPI yang valid sejumlah 7 KPI yaitu 2 KPI customer facing, dan 5 KPI internal facing. Pencapaian kinerja supply chain PT Kubota Indonesia secara keseluruhan sedang yaitu sebesar 33.1%. KPI yang diusulkan untuk segera diperbaiki adalah Order Fullfilment Cycle Time, karena bobotnya tinggi namun pencapaian kinerjanya masih buruk. ABSTRACT PT.Kubota Indonesia produces diesel based machines with high quality. Major companies who lead the national market share are as follows: Kubota 15%, Yanmar 15%, and Chinese products has the rest of the market. The competition in the diesel based machines business is getting tougher, therefore PT Kubota is must maximize its internal business facing which involves various functions within the supply chain. A Supply chain management performance measurement that is conducted holistically will support the success of a supply chain in fulfilling market demand. Unfortunately, the monthly monitoring of PT.Kubota’s performance is still dichotomized based on the function of each department that will eventually result in a partial report based on that specific department. The holistic supply chain performance of PT.Kubota is not yet understood. A special method is needed to measure the supply chain performance holistically, in which the SCOR Model with a KPI (Key performance Index) as its tool, fits that purpose perfectly. A SCOR Model monitors the performance through a customer perspective and internal facing that is in line with the company’s strategy in fulfilling market demand by improving the quality in service and maximizes internal business. Determining the weighed KPI is done by the Analytical Hierarchy process method processed by the Expert Choice software, while the scoring system uses an Objective Matrix, and last but not least performance evaluation is applied by a Traffic Light System. Among 10 suggested KPI’s iterated by SCOR Model Version 9.0, there were 7 valid KPI’s. Those indexes are 2 customer facing KPI and 5 Internal facing KPI. PT Kubota Indonesia had a score of 3.31 or 33.1% in achieving a holistic supply chain performance. The index within KPI which is advised to be improved is the Order Fulfillment Cycle, because it possess a large weight but medium grades on performance achievements.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kata kunci : SCOR Model, pengukuran kinerja supply chain, key performance indicator Keywords: SCOR Model, supply chain performance measurement, key performance indicator |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) T Technology > TS Manufactures |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial Engineering |
ID Code: | 32961 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 08 Feb 2012 14:23 |
Last Modified: | 08 Feb 2012 14:23 |
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