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ABSTRAK Performance Prism merupakan suatu metode pengukuran kinerja menggambarkan kinerja organisasi sebagai bangun 3 dimensi yang memiliki 5 bidang sisi, yaitu sisi kepuasan stakeholder, strategi, proses, kapabilitas, dan kontribusi stakeholder. Pada dasarnya, Performance Prism menguji hubungan timbal balik dengan masing-masing stakeholder. Performance Prism kemudian menunjuk strategi, proses, dan kemampuan yang diperlukan untuk mencukupi keinginan dan kebutuhan ini. PR SUKUN Kudus harus berupaya memberikan produk dan pelayanan yang terbaik dan memuaskan bagi pelanggannya. Sebagai tiga besar perusahaan rokok di Kudus yang nota bene adalah kota penghasil rokok terbesar di Indoneia Selama ini PR SUKUN Kudus belum melakukan pengukuran kinerja yang mendetail. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan perancangan kembali sistem pengukuran kinerjanya. Dari kondisi objektif di Perusahaan, model yang digunakan adalah model Performance Prism Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada 5 stakeholder yang mempengaruhi kinerja yaitu pelanggan dengan bobot 0,357 (meliputi 8 KPI , yaitu 3 KPI strategi, 2KPI proses, dan 3 KPI kapabilitas), karyawan dengan bobot 0,228(meliputi 10 KPI , yaitu 3 KPI strategi, 4 KPI proses, dan 3 KPI kapabilitas), pemilik dengan bobot 0,114 (meliputi 9 KPI , yaitu 3 KPI strategi, 3 KPI proses, dan 3 KPI kapabilitas), rekanan dengan bobot 0,114(meliputi 6 KPI , yaitu 2 KPI strategi, 2 KPI proses, dan 2 KPI kapabilitas), serta pemerintah dan masyarakat dengan bobot 0,187 meliputi 7KPI, yaitu 3 KPI strategi, 2 KPI proses, dan 2 KPI kapabilitas). Pembobotan elemen-elemen yang terdapat dalam perancangan pengukuran kinerja dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Proses (AHP) dengan bantuan perhitungan manual yang di bantu oleh Software expert choice 11.5 dan perhitungan skor OMAX dengan sopftware microsoft exceel. Pembobotan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bobot prioritas antar kriteria sasaran strategi dari tiap-tiap perspektif. ABSTRACT The Performance Prism identifies all the stakeholders of an organization, i.e customers, employees, investors, suppliers and alliances, regulators and communities.the systems like a 3 dimension, and others sides have a 5 description for a definitions. The Performance Prism does it in two ways, by considering what the needs and desires of all stakeholders as well as what the organization wants and needs from its stakeholders. Basiclly, The Performance Prism evaluates the resiprocal relationships with each stakeholders. The Performance Prism then refers to the strategies, processes, and capabilities needed to fulfill these wants and needs. PR SUKUN Kudus, JatenG, should seek to provide the best service and satisfying for the people who become the customers. As a Third place Tobaco Company or Cigarretes Producer on Kudus,Central Java and that city is the biggest cities in Indonesia who produce this cigarettes not yet have a good performance so detail. Because of it, this company need to developt, designing, and to measure their performance again. From the objective condition on the markets now, we use a new role model that is performance prism methods. And then.Results showed that there are 5 stakeholders related with the performance, they are customers by the weight of 0,357 (including 8 KPI’s, namely 3 KPI strategies, 2KPI processes, and 3 KPI capability), employees with a weight of 0,228 (includes 10 KPI’s, namely 3 KPI strategies, 4 KPI processes, and 3 KPI capabilities), investors with a weight of 0,114 (including 9 KPI’s , yaitu 3 KPI strategies, 3 KPI processes, and 3 KPI capabilities), alliances with a weight of 0,114 (including 6 KPI’s, namely 2 KPI strategies, 2 KPI processes, and 2 KPI capabilities), regulators and communities with 0,187 weight (includes 7 KPI’s, namely 3 KPI strategies, 2 KPI processes, and 2 KPI capabilities). The elementing of their performance have a weights in a design for performance prism method. thats measurements using a analytical hierarchy process and with manual ways to compute them. Expert choice 11.5 software and OMAX scoring is the softawre for this designing. Weight on the all criteria its to knwoing about the priorities from several criteria and a target of all perspective in this method.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kata kunci: Analytical Hierachy Proses (AHP), Key Performance Indicator (KPI), Kinerja, Performance Prism, Stakeholder Keywords : Analytical Hierachy Proses (AHP), Performance Prism, KPI, stakeholder, performance |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) T Technology > TS Manufactures |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial Engineering |
ID Code: | 32917 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 09 Feb 2012 10:13 |
Last Modified: | 09 Feb 2012 10:13 |
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