Dwiyanto, Agung (2009) PHYSICAL PROBLEM PARSE SEMARANG TAWANG STATION. In: Seminar Internasional " NURI " , Ruang Seminar Gedung A Lt.3 Jurusan Arsitektur FT. Undip.
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Abstract— Tawang Station (Semarang) was built in 1914, now established as one of the conservation buildings in the city of Semarang. Existence as one of the major transport hub and cultural reserves will certainly get a lot of attention from the wider community. In development now, Tawang station receives the impact of floods and rob the phenomenon that hit the northern part of Semarang city caused by soil degradation. In overcoming the above problems have been a lot of development and physical renovation of the building done Tawang station, but will not actually address the real problem, considering Tawang station does not become a source of problems but to accept the consequences of environmental problems of the city. Keywords : Physical handling, integrated urban environment I. INTRODUCTION In general, the topography of the area of Semarang has a slope of between 0 to 2% and a height between 0-3,5 mdpl space. The Semarang ketingggian the top with between 90- 200 meters from the sea surface. Semarang has subscribed since the flood and rob a few years ago. Under current conditions, if treatment is not directed flooding, estimated at Semarang in 2019 under the will sink. The prediction was based on the reduction of land that occur year after year, more and more worried. In some Ir. Agung Dwiyanto, MSA, IAI , Jurusan Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Jl. Prof Soedarto Tembalang Semarang, Telp. 024-7063999, Fax. 024 7063888, email : nuri.undip@gmail.com. areas, a decrease occurred up to 14 cm (Suripin Ir Dr MEng.) With a decrease in the level one and a half inches in Tugu Muda, then within a period of 10 to 20 years the region will be gigir beach. ''That means a disaster is in sight. City Government needs to think seriously about the flood that occurred during this, the last data that can be seen the level of soil degradation at petrol stations 0 centimeters Kaliwiru, Jl AKPOL 0.50 cm, 0.54 cm Diponegoro Park, Field Bayangkara 0.84 cm, Tugu Muda 1, 54 cm, and 2.4 cm Poncol station. The decline is high enough going on around 3.00 cm BKB Bridge, Jl Kol Sugiyono 3.80 cm, 4.60 Jl Imam Bonjol, Perumahan Semarang Indah, 5.00 cm, 5.27 cm Jl Ronggowarsito, Embankment Soil BKB Mas 6 , 27 cm, and the Embankment Kali Semarang 7.23 cm. The decline more than 10 cm occurred in Bolt B Sriboga Raturaya 13.50 cm and T Bold Sriboga Raturaya 14.43 cm Figure: Predicted decline of Semarang Home Land 5 th to the fore Source: Muhroji, Department of Civil - FT-Undip Semarang sinking lower prediction actually was not groundless. When viewed from the gauge at Tawang Station 30 years ago was still two meters above sea level (mdpl), now estimated at minus instead of the sea surface. The floods that had plagued the region must be considered Semarang through three things. Anticipating a flood can be done through rainwater harvesting in the area, making the pump to the bottom, and block the incoming sea water to the mainland. (Dr.Ir.Suripin, MEng.). Several field surveys have been conducted by several experts. From the survey it was known, the main cause of flooding and drainage systems rob is not functioning optimally other causes, the capacity of the river and inadequate drainage,
Item Type: | Conference or Workshop Item (Paper) |
Subjects: | N Fine Arts > NA Architecture |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering > Department of Architecture Engineering Faculty of Engineering > Department of Architecture Engineering |
ID Code: | 3163 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 07 Jan 2010 15:14 |
Last Modified: | 07 Jan 2010 15:14 |
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