Ermawati , Ermawati (1998) Pengaruh Asam Askorbat sebagainInhibitor aktifitas Papain dalam pengempukan daging. Undergraduate thesis, FMIPA UNDIP.
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Injeksi larutan papain sebelum pemotongan pada hewan yang masih hidup merupakan metode yang efektif untuk mengempukkan daging, karena distribusi enzim merata pada seluruh jaringan otot. Papain ini bekerja terus-menerus sehingga menyebabkan pelunakari yang berlebihan pada daging jika tidak segera dikonsumsi. Untuk itulah diperlukan inhibitor. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan asam askorbat sebagai inhibitor, yang diinjeksikan sebanyak 10 % berat daging yang menglIndung papain, pada konsentlEasi asam askorbat 2,5.10 M ; .2,5.10 M, dan 2,5.10 M dengan waktu inkubasi 0 sampai 5 jam pada temperatur 4 C. Berdasarkan penelitian ini asam askorbat mempunyai efek penghambatan pada aktivitas papain, yang diperlihatkan dengan inenurunnya kadar protein terlarut daging setelah penambahan asam askorbat. Bertapbahnya konsentrasi asam askorbat berturut-turut 2,5.10 M ; 2,5.104 M, dan 2,5.10 M memperlihatkan penurunan aktivitas papain. Preslaughter injection of papain solution into a live beef animal is an effective method to obtain tender beef, because distribution of enzyme uniformly throughout in the muscle tissue. This papain act continously so to cause meat to be more tender if not quickly to consume. For that used inhibitor. In this research has been used ascorbic acid as inhibitor, to injected at 10 % meat weight is contains of papjin at concentrations of asciprbic acid as follows 2.5.10 M ; 2.5.10 M and 2.5.10 M with incubation time 0 - 5 hour at temperature of 4 (JC. The conclusion of this research is ascorbic acid has an inhibitory effect on papain activity, it is shown with decreasing the value of dissolved protein of meat after addition of ascorbic 'acid. The increang of ascorbic acid concentration as follows 2.5.10 2.5.10-4 M and 2.5.10 M, it is shown decreasing of papain activity. Thps document is Unclip InstitUtional Repository Collection. The author(s) oliMpyright owner(s) agree that UNDIP-IR may, without changing the content, translate the • • • submission to any medium or format for the purpose of preservation. The author(s) or copyright owner(s)also agree that UNDIP-IR may keep more than one copy of this submission for purposes of security, back-up and preservation. {
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | Q Science > QD Chemistry |
Divisions: | Faculty of Science and Mathematics > Department of Chemistry |
ID Code: | 30708 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 04 Nov 2011 14:52 |
Last Modified: | 04 Nov 2011 14:52 |
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