Juwita , Eva (1998) Sintesa Etil Euenol. Undergraduate thesis, FMIPA UNDIP.
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Sintasis etil eugenol telah dilakukan. Tujuannya adalah mandapatkan etil eugenol melalui reaksi SN2 berdasarkan metode eter Williamson. Eugenol diperoleh dari basil isolasi minyak bunga cengkeh. Eugenol direfluk dengan penambahan etil iodida dalam suasana basa, direfluks seiama tiga jam pada temperatur 60°C destilasi fraksinasi dengan pengurangan tekanan. Hasil yang diperoleh dimurnikan analisis dikerjakan dengan kromatograti gas, spektroskopi infra merah, spektroskopi resonansi magnetik inti dan kromatografi gas - spektroskopi massa. Dan basil analisis eugenol dengan kromatografi gas diperoleh lima puncak, analisis eugenol dengan infra merah diperoleh bogus OH, OCH3, vinil dan aromatis, analisis dengan Hl NMR memperkuat dinerolehriya eugenol. Hasil etil eugenol dianahsisdengan kromatograti gas spektroskopi infra merah, !etil eugenol yang di • peroleh .belum murni analisis dengan kromatografi gas - spektroskopi massa:tujub icromatogram puncak kromatogram dengan waktu retensi 11,645 menit •merupakan puncak kromatogram dari senyawa etil eugenol, hal ini dibuktikan dengan munculnya spektrum m/z 192 dengan puncak dasar m/z 163. Eugenol dariminyak bunga cengkeh yang diperoleh mempunyai titik didih 140- 170 "C/162 mmHg, mempunyai rip 20 1,535 dan p2° = 1,065 g/mL sejumlah 47,2%. Sedangkan efisiensi etil eugenol yang diperoleh belum optimal. Rendemen etil eugenol hanya sejumlah 2,68%. Ethyl eugenol had been synthesed. The objectives of research is to obtain ethyl eugenol from a SN2 reaction with .ether Williamson method. eugenol. from. flower buds clove oil, in reflux added ethyl iodide on the base, refiuxed for three hours temperature at 60 co. Purification product was by fractionation destilation under reduced pressure. The product was analysed used of gas - chromatography, infra red spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and gas chromatography - mass spectroscopy. Eugenol was analysed uses gas chromatography had five peaks, with infra red was OH, OCH3, vinyl and aromatic group, analysed with 1-11NITAR make to get eugenol. The ethyl eugenol was analysed by gas chromatography mass-spectroscopy had seven peaks. The was retention time 11.645 obtained with spectrum rtilz = 192 and base peak miz = .163. The eugenol from flower buds has boiling point at 140- 170 "C/162 mm, nD2G = 1.535 and p2° = 1.065 g/rnl rendernent 47.2%. However efficiency reaction ethyl eugenol has not been producted optimally. Rendement ethyl eugene produce only 2,68%.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | Q Science > QD Chemistry |
Divisions: | Faculty of Science and Mathematics > Department of Chemistry |
ID Code: | 30705 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 04 Nov 2011 14:40 |
Last Modified: | 04 Nov 2011 14:40 |
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