Purwanto , Purwanto (1998) Pengaruh penambahan pelarut ke dalam bak Koagulasi terhadap Permeabilitas dan selektifitas membran selulosa Asetat. Undergraduate thesis, FMIPA UNDIP.
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Proses pemisahan dengan membran msrupakan metode yang banyak sekali digunakan dalam berbagai bidang. Membran sintetik memberikan sifat pemisahan yang khas yang didasarkan struktur dan kotnposisi kimianya. Sifat-sifat membran tergantung pada tahap pembuatan larutan cetak dan tahap koagulasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengarult penambahan pelang ke dalam bak koagulasi terhadap penneabilitas„ selektifitas dan diameter pori maksirnum membran datar selulosa asetat. Pada penelitian ini larutan cetak membran dibuat dari bahan polimer selulosa asetat, pelarut aseton dan aditif PEG-4000. Kemudian larutan cetak dibuat film. Film dikoagulasi dengan campuran aseton dan air, untuk inenghasilkan membran jenis I. Sedangkan membran jenis II film dikoagulasi dengan air. Untuk mengetahui penganih penambahan pelarut ke dalam bak koagulasi, dilakukan karakterisasi terhadap dua jenis membran tersebut. Hasil karakterisasi membran yang dikoagulasi dengan campuran aseton dan air (jenis 1) : permeabilitasnya adalaft 44,12 Lim.2.jam atm dart diameter pori maksimum 1,98 j_un. Untuk membran yang dikoagulasi dengan air (jenis 11) : penneabilitasnya. adalah 63,86 Lim2.jam.atm dour diameter pori maksimum 2,60 tun. Kemudian membran cliaplikasikan untuk penjernihan sari buah nenas. Hasilnya adalah membran jenis I rejeksi kekeruhan sari buah nenas 80,40%, rejeksi gala total sebagai sukrosa 39,27%, pH permet 2,65 dan pH umpan 4,40 dengan permeabilitas sari buah nenas 3,4 Lle.jam.atm. Sedangkan membran jenis II rejeksi kekeruhan sari buah nenas 64,10%, rejeksi gula. total sebagai sukrosa 1,8%, pH permeat 4,41 dan pH umpan 4,40 dengan permeabilitas sari buah nenas 4,3 Um2.jam.atm. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan inenunjuldcan bahwa, peniunbalian pelarut ke dalam bak koagulasi menyebabkan permeabilitas lebih kecil, selektifitas besar dan diameter pori maksimum kecil. Separation process with membrane is a method used in many fields. Synthetic membrane gives typical separation behavior that depends on its structure and chemical composition. The membrane characteristic is depended of on the step casting solution and coagulation_ The objective of this research is to find out the influence of the solution adding into the coagulation device on permeability, selectivity and diameter maximum pore of cellulose acetate planar membrane. In this research, the casting solution was made from cellulose acetate, acetone solvent and PEG-4000 additive as polymer material. Then mold solution was made film. The film was coagulated by mixture of acetone and water to produce the first type. membrane. Whereas the second type membrane was coagulated by water. The influence of adding solvent into coagulation device determined with characterization of membrane with toward two types of those membranes. The characterization of membrane which coagulated by the mixture of acetone and water obtained water permeability 44,12 Lim2 jam 2trn and pore diameter 1,98 pirn. While membrane which coagulated by water obtained water permeability 63,68 Ilm2.jam.atm and maximum pore diameter 2,60 Am. Then membranes were use to purification extract pineapple. The rejection turbidity of the first type membrane was 80,40%, the total rejection of sugar as sucrose was 39,27%, pH permeate 2,65 and pH feed 4,40 with permeability of extract fruit juice pineapple 3,4 Lim'jam.atm. While the turbidity rejection of the second type membrane was 64,10%, the total rejection of sugar as sucrose was 1,8%, pH permeate 4,41 and pH feed 4,40 with permeability of extract fruit juice pineapple 4,5 Lle.jam.atm. The result of the research shows that, increasing solvent into coagulation device cause decreasing of permeability, selectivity increasing and small maximum pore diameter.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | Q Science > QD Chemistry |
Divisions: | Faculty of Science and Mathematics > Department of Chemistry |
ID Code: | 30704 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 04 Nov 2011 14:16 |
Last Modified: | 04 Nov 2011 14:16 |
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