Adsorpsi 0 - kresol oleh karbon aktif.

Windarti , Tri (1997) Adsorpsi 0 - kresol oleh karbon aktif. Undergraduate thesis, FMIPA UNDIP.

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Keberadaan senyawa fenolik dalam air dan air limbah perlu dikendalikan karena bersifat toksik dan karsinogenik. Senyawa ini berasal dari air limbah industri seperti : industri plastik, industri tekstil, industri kertas, industri kendaraan bermotor, kilang minyak bumi dan industri yang menggunakan fenol sebagai bahan dasar atau sebagai produk sampingan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan karbon aktif dalam mengadsorpsi o-Kresol sebagai salah satu senyawa fenolik dan penggunaan isoterm Freundlich serta isoterm Langmuir dalam menginterpretasikan basil penelitian. Luas permukaan diukur dengan metoda adsorpsi zat warna Metilen Biru Klorida dan proses adsorpsi o-Kresol dilakukan dengan variasi berat karbon aktif. Empat jenis karbon aktif, MKRg, 1NDb, MKRb dan MRC yang telah dipanaskan pada 105 °C selama 4 jam dapat mengadsorpsi 76,5%, 83,3%, 70,0% dan 69,1% larutan o-Kresol. Luas permukaan karbon aktif tersebut masing-masing SMICRg = 147,949 m2/g, Ste, = 232,603 m2/g, SMKRb = 221,609 m2/g , SMItc = 185,964 m2/g. Penurunan volume rongga setelah proses adsorpsi adalah AVRmKRa = 6,92%, AVRasrnb = 14,93%, AVitivaum = 4,15%, /Wizmize = 3,14%. Sedangkan kenaikan berat jenis setelah proses adsorpsi adalah darmimg = 8,7%, ABJENDb = 18,0% ABJmicRb = 5,9% dan ABJMRc = 0,0%. Dan isoterm Freundlich diperoleh besarnya konstanta KF masing-masing KFMKRg = 0,3347 KFINDb = 0,2855, KFMKRb = 0,2579, KFMRC = 0,1509. Konsl:anta n masing-masing 11141{Rg = 0,3531, nilsa)b = 0,1823, nMKRb = 0,1701, nmRc = 0,0117. Dan dari isoterm Langmuir diperoleh besarnya konstanta masing-masing, Q°1,,natg = 0,2389, Q°INDb = 0,2662, Q°mt<Rb= 0,2202, Q°1ARc = 0,1504, konstanta b masing-masing big = 14,0530, bINDb = 16.5342, bmKRb = 28,8705 dan bmac = 275,889. Dari hasil penelitian ternyata karbon aktif cukup bagus untuk digunakan sebagai adsorben terhadap larutan o-Kresol. Tes isoterm dapat digunakan untuk; menyatakan penghilangan suatu adsorbat dapat dilakukan atau tidak, mengetahui kapasitas adsorpsi suatu adsorben serta merupakan metoda sederhana untuk membandingkan jenis karbon aktif yang berbeda. The existance of phenolic compounds in water and waste water have to be controlled, because of its toxic and carcinogenic characteristic. These compounds come from industrial waste water, such as plastic industry, textile industry, paper industry, vehicles industry, etc which use phenol as a basic material or even as a by product. This research aims to learn the ability of active carbon in adsorbing o-Cresol as one of the phenolic compounds. This research use the Freundlich isotherm and also Langmuir isotherm in interpreting the result of research. Surface area measured by adsorption method of Methylen Blue Cloride and the use of active carbon heavy variation in adsorption process of o-Cresol. There are four kinds of active carbon, MKRg, INDb, MKRb and MRC that have been heated on 105 °C for four hours, can adsorb 76,5%, 83,3%, 70,0% and 69,1% o-Cresol solution. Each surface area are SmKRz = 147,949 m2/g, Suva,_ 232,603 m2/g, SmItuzb = 221,609 m2/g , SmRe = 185,964 m2/g. The decrease of pore volume after the adsorption process are AVRNEKRa = 6,92%, AVM = 14,93%, AVionath = 4,15%, AVRIARc = 3,14%, and the increase of density after the adsorption process are ABimicRg= 8,7%, MANN, = 18,0% Al3hocRb = 5,9% and ABJmRc = 0,0%. From the Freundlich isotherm the gained constance are 'CPI/aft = 0,3347 KFINDb 0,2855, KfmKgh = 0,2579, KEviRC = 0,1509, nmtag = 0,3531, finipb = 0,1823, IimEmb 0,1701, rirviRC = 0,0117. And from the Langmuir isotherm, the gained constant are trmiaz = 0,2389, VINDb = 0,2662, Q°14Euth = 0,2202, Q°Nritc = 0,1504, bracRg = 14,0530, byNDb= 16.5342, blvirom = 28,8705 dart bmRc = 275,889. According to the result of research, it's been proved that active carbon act good enough as an adsorbent on o-Cresol. The isotherm test can be used to determined the deletion of an adsorbat and measure the adsorption capacity of an adsorbent. This test is also a simple method to compare different kinds of active carbon.

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:Q Science > QD Chemistry
Divisions:Faculty of Science and Mathematics > Department of Chemistry
ID Code:30655
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 1
Deposited On:04 Nov 2011 09:40
Last Modified:04 Nov 2011 09:40

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