A n d r I y a n i , A n d r I y a n i (1999) Investigasi ikatan Si-H dalam silikon Amorf terhidrogenasi dengan metode spektroskopi inframerah. Undergraduate thesis, FMIPA UNDIP.
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Silikon amorf (a-Si) murni mempunyai sifat-sifat fisis yang kurang balk j ika dibandingkan denga silikon kristalin sebagai akibat adanya cacat struktural berupa tangan-tangan kosong (dangling bond).Upaya untuk memperbaiki sifat-sifat fisis a-Si dilakukan dengan mencleposisikan.atom-atom hidrogen pada silikon amorf sehingga dihasilkan silikon amorf terhidrogenasi (a-Si:H). Atom-atom hidrogen terikat pada tangan-tangan kosong dan menurunkan rapat keadaan di dalam celah terlarang yang berasal dari meat a-Si:H dibuat dengan metoda evaporasi dan dilanjutkan dengan deposisi hidrogen dengan metoda plasma lucutan pijar RF. Evaporasi dilakukan di dalam ruang evaporasi dengan tekanan 3x 10-5 mmHg, sedangkan deposisi dilakukan pada. tekanan 1-10 mmHg, jarak elektroda 4 cm, laju aliran gas H2 0,1 cc/detik data suhu substrat 300°C. Daya RF divariasi pada 30 — 70 watt. Lapisan tipis yang digunakan untuk variasi suhu anil dibuat pada daya RF 50 watt dan suhu anil divariasi pada. 100-400°C. Analisis spektrum inframerah memperlihatkan puncak serapan pada 3423,1 cm"' yang berasal dari getaran regang 1-120, 2354,8 cm-1 dari getaran regang Si-H3, 1637 cm-1 dari getaran lentur 1-120 dam 1021,7 cm-I dari getaran regang Si-O-Si. Dengan melakukan variasi dayaRF temyata pada daya. RF 50 waft dihasilkan puncak serapan Si-H3 yang terkuat dibandingkan puncak serapan yang sama untuk daya RF lainnya. Anil pada. suhu 400°C mengakibatkan lepasnya. hidrogen dari Pure amorphous silicon (a-Si) has inferior physical properties compared to the crystalline silicon due to structural defect such as dangling bond. An effort to improve the physical properties of a-Si is done by depositing hydrogen atomics to the a-.Si so that produces a hydrogenated. amorphous silicon. (a-Si:H). The hydrogen atomics bonded to the dangling bond and result in decreasing of the density of state, which is originate from the defect, in the forbidden gap. The a-Si:H is produced by evaporation and continued with deposition of the hydrogen atomics by RF glow discharge plasma method. The evaporation is done in an evaporation chamber at pressure of 3x 10"5 mmHg while the deposition condition are at pressure of 1-10 mmHg, electrode distance 4 cm, H2 flowrate 0,1 cc/s and substrat temperature 300°C. The RF power are variated at 30-70 watt. films for the annealing temperature variation are made at RF power of 50 watt and the annealing temperature are variated at 100-400°C The infrared spectrum analysis shows that the absorption peak at 3423,1 cm-1 is came from H2O stretching vibration, 2354,8 cm'' from Si-H3 stretching vibration, 1637 cm"' from 1120 bending vibration and 1021,7 cm"' from Si-0-Si stretching vibration. In fact , by doing variation of RF power it is found that RI-7 power of 50 watt result: in strongest Si-H3 absorption peak compared to the same peak of the other 10-1 power. Annealing at temperature of 400°C result in liberation of hydrogen from t xi This document is Undip Institutional Repository Collection. The author(s) or copyright owner(s) agree that UNDIP-IR may, without changing the content, translate the submission to any medium or format for the purpose of preservation. The author(s) or copyright owner(s) also agree that UN DIP-IR may keep more than one copy of this submission for purposes of security, back-up and preservation. ( http://eprints.undip.ac.id)
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | Q Science > QC Physics |
Divisions: | Faculty of Science and Mathematics > Department of Physics |
ID Code: | 30435 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 31 Oct 2011 08:11 |
Last Modified: | 31 Oct 2011 08:11 |
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