Fakhrudin , Muhammad (1996) Penentuan konsentrasi radioaktifitas Ra - 226 & Sr - 90 dalam sayur - sayuran di sekitar Semarang. Undergraduate thesis, FMIPA UNDIP.
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Telah dilakukan analisis radionuklida Ra-226 dan Sr-90 dalam sayur-sayuran seperti bayam (Amaranthus spinosus), buncis (Phaseolus vulgar is), cabal. (Capsicum annuum), kacang panjang (Dolichos lablab) dan kol (Brassica oleracea) dari sekitar kota Semarang. Konsentrasi radioaktivitas Ra-226 diukur- melalui anak luruhnya Bi-214 inenggunakan perangkat MCA seri 35 Plus buatan Canberra dan Sr-90 melalui anak luruhnya Y-90 memakai LBC model 2201 buatan Canberra. Hasil pengukuran memperlihatkan bahwa konsentrasi radioaktivitas Ra-226 berkisar antara 580,6 4. 49,9 mBq/kg (di dalam kacang panjang) sampai 856,5 4- 54,9 mBq/kg (di dalam bayam) dan Sr-90 berkisar dari 82,0 4- 23,8 mBq/kg (di dalam cabal) sampai 168,3 ± 24,1 mBq/kg (di dalam buncis). The radionuclides of Ra-226 and Sr-90 content in vegetables i.e. 1-2ayam (Amaranthus spinosus), buncis (Phaseolus vulgaris), chili (Capsicum annuum), kacang panjang (Dolichos lablab) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea) from surrounding Semarang city have been analyzed. Radioactivity concentration of Ra-226 measured from his daughter Bi-214 using Multichannel Analyzer (MCA) serie 35 plus by Canberra and Sr-90 from his daughter Y-90 using Low Background Counter (LBC) model 2201 by Canberra. The results showed that Ra-226 radioactivity concentration was in the range of 580,6 + 49,9 mBq/kg (in the kacang panjang) to 856,5 + 54,9 mBq/kg (in the bayam) and Sr-90 was in the range of 82,0 + 23,8 mBq/kg (in the chili) to 168,3 + 24,1 mBq/kg (in the buncis). This document is Undip Institutional Repository Cuiidciroi,. The author(s) or copyright owner(s) agree that UNDIP-IR may, without changing the content, translate ti • • submission to any medium or format for the purpose of preservation. The authorlis?-4 copyright owner(s) also agree that UNDIP-IR may keep more than one copy of tt' submission for purposes of security, back-up htto://eprints.undip.ac.id)
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | Q Science > QC Physics |
Divisions: | Faculty of Science and Mathematics > Department of Physics |
ID Code: | 30270 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 25 Oct 2011 14:08 |
Last Modified: | 25 Oct 2011 14:08 |
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