Hidayat, Fitroh (2011) MODEL DINAMIKA PENDAPATAN NELAYAN PADA INDUSTRI PERIKANAN TANGKAP UNTUK SIMULASI KEBIJAKAN (Studi Kasus: Industri Perikanan Tangkap Muncar, Banyuwangi). Undergraduate thesis, Diponegoro University.
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Various stock assessment studies of lemuru in the Strait Bali indicated that the level of fishing is overexploited and overcapacity. Overexploited make fishing ground more far away, decreasing on the CPUE, operational cost more higher, all of them make reduced the fishermen incomes. In understanding the dynamics of the fishermen income need studies using system approach with model construction. Goals of this study are: 1)identifying and knowing relationship the entities and the variables of the dynamics fishermen incomes; 2)developing a model; 3)simulating alternative policy to get optimal policy. This model consists of four subsystems: lemuru stock, population, catching, and economic. Simulation carried out four scenarios, initial model, MSY, MEY, and OA. Results of this research show that the entities involved in the dynamic model of the fishermen income are fishermen, lemuru and non-lemuru, and fishing gears. The variables in this model are lemuru stock, harvest, fishing efforts, operational cost, and fish price. The selected scenario is MEY scenario. Lemuru stock and CPUE at MEY are 167,913.7 tons and 3,022 tons. Profit of lemuru fishery per effort standard purse seine is Rp. 3.806.000,00. ABSTRAK Berbagai kajian perikanan Selat Bali mengindikasikan status perikanan telah overexploited dan overcapacity. Overexploited mengakibatkan jarak melaut lebih jauh, CPUE menurun, dan biaya penangkapan menjadi besar sehingga menyebabkan menurunnya pendapatan nelayan. Untuk memahami dinamika pendapatan nelayan memerlukan kajian menggunakan pendekatan sistem dengan konstruksi model. Tujuan penelitian ini: 1)mengidentifikasi serta mengetahui hubungan entitas dan variabel-variabel dinamika pendapatan nelayan; 2)mengembangkan model; 3)melakukan simulasi kebijakan sehingga diperoleh kebijakan optimal. Model dinamika pendapatan nelayan terdiri dari empat subsistem: stok lemuru, penduduk, penangkapan, dan ekonomi. Simulasi dilakukan terhadap empat skenario: model awal, MSY, MEY, dan OA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa entitas yang terkait dalam model dinamika pendapatan nelayan adalah nelayan, ikan lemuru dan non-lemuru, dan alat tangkap. Variabel-variabel pada model adalah stok lemuru, hasil tangkapan, upaya penangkapan, biaya operasional, dan harga ikan. Skenario terpilih pada penelitian ini adalah skenario MEY. Jumlah stok lemuru dan CPUE lemuru pada skenario MEY adalah 167.913,7 ton dan 3,022 ton. Keuntungan perikanan lemuru per trip standar purse seine sebesar Rp. 3.806.000,00.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Keywords: Bali Strait, Bioeconomic, Dynamic System, and Sustainable Fisheries Kata Kunci: Bioekonomi, Perikanan Berkelanjutan, Selat Bali, dan Sistem Dinamik |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) T Technology > TS Manufactures |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial Engineering |
ID Code: | 29532 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 30 Sep 2011 12:30 |
Last Modified: | 30 Sep 2011 12:30 |
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