Pembentukan Opini Publik Tentang Citra Polisi Sebagai Dampak Berita Tindak Kriminal Polisi di Media Massa

PRIMASIWI, TIKA (2011) Pembentukan Opini Publik Tentang Citra Polisi Sebagai Dampak Berita Tindak Kriminal Polisi di Media Massa. Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.



Community and police are supposed to live side by side in order to maintain public order. But all of that were undeniable with the problems faced by the police. As the number of news in the media about the police who commit crimes. Because society is more critical now with the problems that occur, especially in the presence of criminal acts by police, so does society tend to view police cynical figure. Police image in the eyes of society is becoming worse. The purpose of this study is to describe the formation of public opinion about the image of police as the impact of crime news by the police and raised in the media. The theory used is the spiral of silence theory by Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann. This study used qualitative methodology with a case study approach. This approach tries to describe in detail the topic under study. The results showed that the process of forming opinions about the image of police as the impact of crime news by the police a little experience the difference with the process of forming opinions expressed W. P. Davidson (Kasali, 2003:25). Initial assumption that the formation process begins with the formation of perception by four factors: experience, cultural background, shared values, and the news that develop to form opinions, and opinions will be formed after the formation of consensus. In contrast to the results of research showing that perceptions are formed only from the experience and exposure to mass media so as to form an opinion. Disclosure of his opinions were not necessarily public opinion, but opinion was divided first into minority and majority opinions. Only the majority opinion was forming a consensus and public opinion. Keywords: Image, Opinion, Spiral of Silence, Case Study, Perception

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions:Faculty of Social and Political Sciences > Department of Communication
ID Code:29037
Deposited On:09 Aug 2011 12:02
Last Modified:09 Aug 2011 12:02

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