Terpaan Berita Penculikan Anak dan Faktor Demografis terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Orangtua atas Keamanan Anak

Putri, Anindityas (2011) Terpaan Berita Penculikan Anak dan Faktor Demografis terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Orangtua atas Keamanan Anak. Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.



The existence of some mass beating cases toward people who is suspected as a child kidnapper has come to be the background of this study. The problem arises when there are a lot of children kidnapping news were published on mass media. Did the exposure affecting anxiety of parents who have child between 0-10 years old? Then what about demographic factors of parents, is it either effecting? The aim of this study is to discover the effect of children kidnapping news exposure and demographic factors toward the level of parental anxiety over child safety. This study employs Stimulus-Response Theory, and supported by theory of Social Category Perspective. This is a quantitative research with explanative method. Whereas, on hypothesis test using multiple regression analysis. Hypothesis test results indicate that there is a significant effect between children kidnapping exposure in mass media and the level of parental anxiety, value of effect of exposure on television is 10,9%, while on newspaper is 16,1%; there is a significant effect between gender of parent and the level of parental anxiety, which is 7%; there is no significant effect between age of parent and their anxiety level; there is a significant effect between educational level of parent and the level of parental anxiety, and the effect is 23,5%; there is significant effect between parents’ income level and the level of parental anxiety, the effect is 16,4%; and there is a significant effect between all of the independent variables and dependent variable. It can be concluded that the higher the children kidnapping news exposure takes effect to higher parental anxiety, vice versa; a father tend to be more worried than a mother; age is not affecting the level of parental anxiety; the higher educational level of parents, the higher their anxiety; the higher parents’ income, the higher their anxiety, otherwise applicable; and together, children kidnapping news exposure in mass media, educational level, and income level are affecting the level of parental anxiety, but not likewise on gender and age. Key Words : News Exposure, Demographic Factors, Anxiety

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions:Faculty of Social and Political Sciences > Department of Communication
ID Code:28990
Deposited On:08 Aug 2011 11:19
Last Modified:08 Aug 2011 11:19

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