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susu yang kualitas bakteriologisnya rendah kemungkinan disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor yaitu higienen pemerah, sanitasi kandang, dan peralatan yang buruk pada saat sebelum pemerah ataupun setela pemerahan. tujua penelitian adalah menganalisis hubungan higeien dan sanitasi pemerahan dengan jumlah bkateri susu segar dip eternakan sapi perah desa kemiri boyolali. jenis penelitian adlaah observasional denga pendekatan cross sectional, penelitian ini dilaksankaan di desa kemiri boyolali, dengan jumlah populasi sam denga jumlah sampel yang digunakan untuk meng hitung jumlah kuman total yaitu 22 sampel dari 22 responden. analisis data dengan menggunakan uji statistik rank spearman. hasil menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar memenuhi syarat untuk kebersiha sapi (68,2%), higienen pemerah (86,4%), sanitasi alat (59,1%), dan sanitai kandang (77,3%). jumlah bkateri yang sesuai standar sebwesar 63,6% dan yang melebihi standar sebesar 36,4%. hasil analisis menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan kebersihan sapi dengan jumlah bkateri susu segar, tidak ada hubungan higiene pemerah denganjumlah bkatei susu segar, ada hubungan sanitasi alat dengan julah bkateri susu segar dan ada hubungan sanitasi kandang dengan jumlah bkateri susu segar. kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan higienen dan snaitasi pemerehan susu ssapi dengan jumlah bakteri susu segar. salah satu cara agar kualitas bakteriologis baik, makam peelu adanya higiene dn snaitasi pemerahan yang emenuhi syarat dan baik dari peternakan maupun pemerah itu sendfiri yang ditunjang dengan pembinaan, pelatihan, pengawasan instansi terkait. Kata Kunci: higine,sanitasi, pemerahan, sapi perah, jumlah bakteri, susu segar THE CORRELATION BETWEEN HIGIENE AND SANITATION OF SQUEEZING MILK A COW WITH BACTERIA AMOUNT OF FRESH MILK AT CATTLE BREEDING IN KEMIRI VILLAGE BOYOLALI a milk which has a low quality of bacteria are often caused by some factors as squeezer higiene, stable saniattion, and bad equipment sanitation during of squeezing before or after proces. the aim of these reseach is to analize correlation between higiene and sanitaion of squeezing milk a cow with bacteria amount of fresh milk at cattle breeding in kemiri village boyolali. type of study is observation reseach with cross secrional design. this reseach are conducted in kemiri village boyolali, with total population same with total sample 22 fresh milk from 22 respondent to calculate total bacterias. data was analized use spearman rank test. the result of reseach show that mostly has fulfilling standar of higiene of a cow 68,2%, higiene of squeezer 86,4%, sanitation of equipment 59,1% and sanitation of stable 77,3%. amount bacteria that suitable from satndar is 63,6% and the one which exceed from standar is 36,4%. result of analize show that there is no correlation between higiene of a cow with bacteria amount of fresh milk, there is no correlation higiene of squeezer with bacteria amount of fresh milk, there correlation between sanitation of equipment with bacteria amount of fresh milk, and there correlation between sanitation of stable with bacteria amount of fresh milk. conclusion pf these research is there correlation between higienen and sanitaion of squeezing milk a cow with bacteria amount of fresh milk at cattel breeding in kemiri village boyolali. one way to get high quality ion fresh milk, it necessary true squueezing higinen and snitation from cattleman or squeezer with support is as like training developing skill of cattleman and control from goverment who have relation.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 28928 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 05 Aug 2011 09:59 |
Last Modified: | 05 Aug 2011 09:59 |
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