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Kabupaten Batang Hari merupakan daerah endemis malaria, terbukti sepanjang tahun kejadiaan malaria relatif tinggi, dimana angka rata-rata malaria terbukti klinis sebesar 11,069 kasus pertahun dengan rata-rata Annual malaria Insidence (AMI) sebesar 56,03% pertahun. Wilayah Puskesmas Muara Bulian merupakan daerah endemis malaria tergplong High Case Insience (HCI) dengan nilai AMI 76,49%, nilai ini jauh diatas rata-rata nasional untuk luar Jawa an Bali yang hanya 31,09%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui karakteristik lingkungan rumah sebagai faktor risiko terhadap kejadiaan malaria di Wilayah Puskesmas Muara Bulian Kabupaten batang Hari Propinsi jambi. Jenis penelitian Observasional analitik dengan rancangan Case control, kelompok kasus adalah orang-orang yang menderita penyakit malaria ditandai hasil pemeriksaan sediaan darah positif malaria, kelompok kontrol adalah orang-orang yang tidak menderita penyakit malaria ditandai hasil pemeriksaan sediaan darah negatif malaria. Matching dilakukan dengan kriteria berjenis kelamin sama, memeliki usia setara atau maksimal selish usia 3 tahun. Hasil penelitian menujukkan faktor risiko kejadiaan malaria adalah tidak adanya kawat kasa dengan OR=3,9 (95% CI= 1,35-11,600) adanya kandang ternak dengan OR=4,4 (95% CI=1,5-13,123), adanya breeding places dengan OR=3,6 (95%=13 -10.150), kebiasaan diluar rumah pada malam hari dengan OR=10.07 (95% CI=2,05-49,469), kebiasaan tidak menggunakan obat anti nyamuk dengan OR= 5,0 (95% CI=1,3-20,07) serta kebiasaan tidak menggunakan kelambu OR = 3,53 (95 CI=1,27-9,805). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara keberadaan kawat kasa, kandang ternak, ketinggian daerah, breeding places, kebiasaan diluar rumah, kebiasaan menggunakan abot anti nyamuk serta kebiasaan menggunakan kelambu dengan kejadian malaria. Perlu disarankan program penebaran ikan pemangsa jenik pada daerah yang adaBreeding Places dan pentingnya penggunaan kelambu pada saat tidur serta menghindari kebiasaan diluar rumah pada malam hari. Kata Kunci: karakteristik lingkungan rumah, kasus malaria. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTIC IN HOUSING AS RISK FACTORS ON MALARIA INCIDENCE IN THE AREA OF MUARA BULIAN PUBLIC HEALTH CENTRE BATANG HARI DISTRICT, PROVINCE OF JAMBI, IN 2006. Batang Hari regency in an endemic malaria area, with the whole year malaria incidence is relaticely high, Clinical malaria rate 11,069 cases per year and annual malaria incedence (AMI) 56,03% per year. The service area of public health centre of Batang Hari district was categorized as High Case Insidence (HCI) area rate with AMI rate 76,49%. This value is the highest and determine obove the national average rate for the region outside Java and Bali that is only 32,09%. The purpose of this research was to determine the housing environment characteristic distric as the risk faktors of malaria in the area of Muara Bulian Public Health Centre Batang Hari,Province Jambi. This research is an analytical observation designed as case control, with the case groups consisting of the malaria patients based on of the positive malaria blood, while the control groups consisting of the unifected people based on negative malaria blood. Matching was conducted by considering the sexes, ages with maximum 3 incedence yaers difference. Result of research shows the risk factors occurrence of malaria is gauze wire inexistence with OR=3,9 (95% CI=1.35-11.600), existence of livestock cage with OR=4,4 (95% CI=1.5-13.123),existence of heigh area with OR=0,12 (95% CI = 0,03-0,471), existence of breeding places with OR=3.6 (95=1.3-10.15)), outdoors habit at night with OR = 10,07 (95% CI =2,05-49.469), habit do not use anti-mosquito drug with OR =5,0 (95 % CI=1.3-20.07) and also habit do not mosquito net with OR =3,53 (95% CI=1.27-9.805). While ineligbility of air temperature in house, ineligibility of air dampness in house, ineligibility of illmination in house and also habit do use insecticide in yard, garden, or wet rice field are not risk factors occurrence of malaria. That be in to knot gets significant conection gauze wire inexistence, existence of livestock cage, exsistence of livestock cage, existence of height area, existence of breedong places, outdoors habit, at night, habit do not use anti-mosquito drug, and also habit donot use masquito net occurrence of malaria. It is necessary to carryon operating the dispersion of larva predator fish program at the area which existing of Breeding Places and of nets with and outside the houses avoid outdoors habit at night. Keyword : Environmental characteristic, housing malaria incidence
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 28893 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 04 Aug 2011 09:14 |
Last Modified: | 04 Aug 2011 09:14 |
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