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Rumah Sakit Umum daerah RSUD Purbalingga melaksanakan beberapa kegiatan pelayanan medik spesialistik, diantaranya spesialis anak, spesialis bedah, spesialis kandungan,spesialis dalam, spesialis kulit, spesilais THT, spesialis mata dan spesialis syaraf dengan areal yang cukup luas dalam melayani pasien. Meskipun linen tidak digunakan secara langsung dalam proses pengobatan namun dapat dilihat pengaruhnya bila penanganan linen tidak dikelola dengan baik akan mengakibatkan terjadinya penularan penyakit yaitu melalui infeksi silang. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengelolaan linen di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Purbalingga. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laundry RSUD Purbalingga. Jumlah sampel linen keseluruhan sebanyak 24 sampel dengan rincian dua kali pengambilan pada setiap jenis linen yang ada di RSUD Purbalingga. Jenis linen yang ada di RSUD Purbalingga antara lain : sprei, duk,taplakmeja, slimut lorek, sarung bantl, baju operasi, stik laken,handuk, masker, selimut tebal, tirai dan tampon/daplok. Proses pengangkutan linen kotor satu kereta, linen kotor tidak dipisah antara linen infeksius dan non infeksius. Proses pencucian yang masih menjadi satu antara lain linen infeksius dan linen non infeksius. Proses penyetrikaan yang tidak sempurna karena penyetrikaan menggunakan setrika pres seluruh permukaan linen tidak tersetlika. Proses penyimpanan linen bersih masih menggunakan lemari yang tidak bisa tertutuprapat sehingga linen bersih masihbisa terkontaminasi. Pekerja tida menggunakan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD). Pekerja tidak membersihkan diri setelah menggelola linen kotor. Dari hasil pemeriksaan angka kuman pada linen diperoleh angka kuman tertinggi 5,7 x X10.Terendah 1,6x X10rerata angka kuman tertinggi 2,7 x X10. Berdasarkan dirjen PPM dan PLP tentang Pedoman Sanitasi Rumah sakit di Indonesia bahwa linen bersih setelah keluar dari semua proes pengelolaan linen tidak mengandung 6 x X,sup>10spora species bacilliusper inchi persegi.Disimpulkan bahwa semua linen bersih yang ada di RSUD Purbalingga setelah keluar dari semua proses tidak memenuhi syarat hal ini dimungkinkan karena Ruang pengelolaan linen bersih dan linen kotor masih menjadi satu. Kata Kunci: Linen, RSUD Purbalingga STUDY OF THE LINEN MANAGEMENT IN THE REGIONAL PUBLIC HOSPITAL OF PURBALINGGA IN THE YEAR 2005 The Regional Public Hospital (RSUD) of Purbalingga carries out some medical services of special treatment such us pediatrics, surgery,obstetrics, internist,and dermatology,ear-nose and throat specialist, ophthalmology,and neurology in a wide area to serve the patients. Antrough the linen is not used directly in the treatment process but the effect can be felt if the linen handling is not done properly, the disease contagion through the cross-infection will be occurred. The research was done to find out the linen management in RSUD Purbalingga. The descriptive research was done in the laundry of RSUD Purbalingga.There were 24 samples taken twice from each linen such as bedsheets, kerchiefs,tableclothes, striped blankets,pillowcases,operating shirts, bedspreads,towels, masks,thick blankets, curtains and plugged muslins. The infectious and non infectious linen were carried in one pushcart, not separated. The washing process was still done in one place. The linen was not ironed properly,not all surface of the linen. The clean linen was not kept in the good wardrobe so it still be contaminated. The workers did not wear the self safety devise and clean themselves after handling the dirty linen. The result of the research told us that the highest germ number is 5,7 x X10,the lowest is 1,6 x X10and the average is 2,7 x X10. Based on the Director General of PPM and PLP about the Guidelines for Hospital Sanitation in Indonesia that the clean linen after the process of the linen handling must be less than 6 x X10spore species bacillus per square inch. The infectious and non infectious linen were carried in one pushcart, not separated. The washing process was still done one place. The linen was not ironed properly,not all surface of the linen. The clean linen was not kept in the good wardrobe so it can still be contaiminated. The workers did not wear the slf safety devisi and clean themselves after handling the dirty linen. The conclusion is that all clean in RSUD Purbalingga after getting the process do not fulfill the terms,it happened perhaps because the clean and dirty linen were still handled in the same place. Keyword : Linen, RSUD Purbalingga

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine
Divisions:Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health
ID Code:28717
Deposited On:27 Jul 2011 11:30
Last Modified:27 Jul 2011 11:30

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